Villages and Towns of Patur Tehsil of District Akola, Maharashtra

Patur Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Akola District, Maharashtra India. Patur teshil is one of the teshil of Akola district Maharashtra. In Patur Teshil there are 95 villages and 1 towns. Out of 95 villages in Patur teshil in which Alegaon is most populated village with population of 8763 and least populated village is Mahaldoli having population only 0. There are 1 town in Patur sub-district which lies in Patur administrative devision. Most populated town in Patur Teshil is Patur (M Cl) with population of 21095.

Total population of Patur teshil is 138730 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Patur teshil is 936 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Patur teshil is 84.29%.

Census Data of Patur Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
138730 936 84.29%

Demographics details of Patur Teshil

The population of Patur sub district is 138730 people, among them about 71645 are male and 67085 are female. Total number of house holds in Patur Teshil is 31060. Total Literates persons are 102694 in which total male literates are 56911 and female literates are 45783. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16898, among them 8979 are boys and 7919 are girls.

Patur Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePatur
State NameMaharashtra
District NameAkola
Total Population138730
Total No of House Holds31060
Total Male Population71645
Total Female Population67085
0-6 Age group Total Population16898
0-6 Age group Male Population8979
0-6 Age group Male Population7919
Total Person Literates102694
Total Male Literates56911
Total Male Literates45783
Total Person Illiterates36036
Total Male Illiterates14734
Total Male Illiterates21302
Scheduled Cast Persons26258
Scheduled Cast Males13456
Scheduled Cast Females12802
Scheduled Tribe Persons7620
Scheduled Tribe Males7869
Scheduled Tribe Females7620

Patur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 145151 37333
Population (%) 104.63 % 26.91 %
Male Population 74752 19031
Female Population 70399 18302
Sex Ratio 942 962
Child Population (0-6) 7700 1903
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 961 1000
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.4% 10.19%
Households in 34186 8268
Literates 113263 30375
Literacy % 87.09% 90.6%
Male Literacy 91.1% 93.46%
Female Literacy 82.82% 87.61%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Patur Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 90313 46655 43658 65.1% 54.78%
Muslim 22726 11784 10942 16.38% 14.52%
Christian 201 104 97 0.14% 0.12%
Sikh 39 22 17 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 24701 12666 12035 17.81% 14.37%
Jain 370 197 173 0.27% 0.26%
Other religions and persuasions 10 7 3 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 370 210 160 0.27% 0.21%

Workers profile of Patur Teshil

Patur has 65732 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 39572 male and 26160 female population are working population. Full time workers in Patur teshil are 56297 and 9435 are marginal (part time) workers.

Patur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 65732 39572 26160
Main Workers 56297 34929 21368
Main Workers Cultivators 14533 10330 4203
Agriculture Labourer 35332 19532 15800
Household Industries 379 278 101
Other Workers 6053 4789 1264
Marginal Workers 9435 4643 4792
Non Working Persons 72998 32073 40925

List of Town/City of Patur Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Patur with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Akola is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Patur (M Cl) 21095 939

List of villages in Teshil-Patur, District-Akola, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Alegaon Patur 8763
2 Sasti Patur 5404
3 Jirayat Patur Patur 4371
4 Malsoor Patur 3974
5 Wiwara Patur 3843
6 Pimpal Khuta Patur 3267
7 Channi Patur 2869
8 Umara Patur 2796
9 Chatari Patur 2781
10 Shirla Patur 2669
11 Gawandgaon Patur 2588
12 Charangaon Patur 2505
13 Deulgaon Patur 2445
14 Babhulgaon Patur 2415
15 Sawargaon Patur 2394
16 Andhar Sangvi Patur 2330
17 Khetri Patur 2253
18 Khanapur Patur 2227
19 Bhandaraj Bk. Patur 2009
20 Chondhi Patur 1877
21 Digras Bk. Patur 1833
22 Malrajura Patur 1820
23 Tulanga Bk. Patur 1670
24 Ambasi Patur 1644
25 Tulanga Kh. Patur 1617
26 Sukali Patur 1512
27 Agikhed Patur 1439
28 Shirpur Patur 1422
29 Bagayat Patur Patur 1413
30 Pimpardoli Patur 1347
31 Navegaon Patur 1294
32 Karla Patur 1285
33 Tandali Bk. Patur 1271
34 Astul Patur 1267
35 Belura Kh. Patur 1263
36 Raher Patur 1262
37 Wahala Bk. Patur 1247
38 Asola Patur 1181
39 Tandali Kh. Patur 1070
40 Kothari Bk. Patur 995
41 Padsingi Patur 943
42 Pangartati Patur 940
43 Malakapur Patur 937
44 Pastul Patur 923
45 Zarandi Patur 898
46 Khamkhed Patur 897
47 Digras Kh. Patur 896
48 Jamb Patur 876
49 Belura Bk. Patur 859
50 Gondhalwadi Patur 854
51 Pandhurna Patur 840
52 Saywani Patur 833
53 Shekapur Patur 802
54 Bodkha Patur 798
55 Golegaon Patur 728
56 Nandkhed Patur 708
57 Bhandaraj Kh. Patur 698
58 Pacharan Patur 667
59 Khaparkheda Patur 652
60 Changefal Patur 615
61 Bhanos Patur 604
62 Kosgaon Patur 597
63 Sangola Patur 583
64 Chinchkhed Patur Patur 564
65 Hingana Patur 549
66 Beltola Patur 537
67 Charmoli Patur 533
68 Sawarkhed Patur 527
69 Pardi Patur 505
70 Adgaon Kh. Patur 476
71 Vasali Patur 470
72 Warungaon Patur 467
73 Kothari Kh. Patur 461
74 Sonuna Patur 394
75 Pangara Patur 390
76 Laukhed Patur 385
77 Palaskhed Patur 333
78 Jambharun Patur 302
79 Umarwadi Patur 301
80 Patte A. Patur Patur 242
81 Dadulgaon Patur 181
82 Nimkhed Patur 118
83 Babhali Patur 105
84 Shiv Patur 7
85 Sotalwan Patur 6
86 Jogatalav Patur 2
87 Takali Khetri Patur N/A
88 Hiwara Patur N/A
89 Dolarkhed Patur N/A
90 Chinchkhed Pimpalkhuta Patur N/A
91 Chikhalwal Patur N/A
92 Dadham Kh. Patur N/A
93 Chinchkhed Sasti Patur N/A
94 Kakadadari Patur N/A
95 Mahaldoli Patur N/A
