Villages and Towns of Pawai Tehsil of District Panna, Madhya Pradesh

Pawai Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Panna District, Madhya Pradesh India. Pawai teshil is one of the teshil of Panna district Madhya Pradesh. In Pawai Teshil there are 179 villages and 1 towns. Out of 179 villages in Pawai teshil in which Muhandra is most populated village with population of 8349 and least populated village is Surdha having population only 0. There are 1 town in Pawai sub-district which lies in Pawai administrative devision. Most populated town in Pawai Teshil is Pawai (NP) with population of 14465.

Total population of Pawai teshil is 167578 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Pawai teshil is 907 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Pawai teshil is 63.5%.

Census Data of Pawai Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
167578 907 63.5%

Demographics details of Pawai Teshil

The population of Pawai sub district is 167578 people, among them about 87876 are male and 79702 are female. Total number of house holds in Pawai Teshil is 38833. Total Literates persons are 88884 in which total male literates are 53658 and female literates are 35226. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 27599, among them 14338 are boys and 13261 are girls.

Pawai Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePawai
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NamePanna
Total Population167578
Total No of House Holds38833
Total Male Population87876
Total Female Population79702
0-6 Age group Total Population27599
0-6 Age group Male Population14338
0-6 Age group Male Population13261
Total Person Literates88884
Total Male Literates53658
Total Male Literates35226
Total Person Illiterates78694
Total Male Illiterates34218
Total Male Illiterates44476
Scheduled Cast Persons38731
Scheduled Cast Males20282
Scheduled Cast Females18449
Scheduled Tribe Persons13778
Scheduled Tribe Males14431
Scheduled Tribe Females13778

Pawai Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 151574 25632
Population (%) 90.45 % 15.3 %
Male Population 79747 13505
Female Population 71827 12127
Sex Ratio 901 898
Child Population (0-6) 12290 1479
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 925 830
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.61% 12.72%
Households in 35633 5255
Literates 90094 19046
Literacy % 70.43% 85.13%
Male Literacy 79.07% 90.66%
Female Literacy 60.79% 79.05%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Pawai Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 162937 85431 77506 97.23% 61.3%
Muslim 3797 2009 1788 2.27% 1.78%
Christian 16 10 6 0.01% 0.01%
Sikh 7 1 6 0% 0%
Buddhist 2 0 2 0% 0%
Jain 534 283 251 0.32% 0.33%
Other religions and persuasions 172 82 90 0.1% 0.05%
Religion not stated 113 60 53 0.07% 0.03%

Workers profile of Pawai Teshil

Pawai has 69844 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 45856 male and 23988 female population are working population. Full time workers in Pawai teshil are 45869 and 23975 are marginal (part time) workers.

Pawai Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 69844 45856 23988
Main Workers 45869 35355 10514
Main Workers Cultivators 18757 16478 2279
Agriculture Labourer 17629 11549 6080
Household Industries 901 640 261
Other Workers 8582 6688 1894
Marginal Workers 23975 10501 13474
Non Working Persons 97734 42020 55714

List of Town/City of Pawai Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Pawai with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Panna is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Pawai (NP) 14465 883

List of villages in Teshil-Pawai, District-Panna, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Muhandra Pawai 8349
2 Simariya Garhi Pawai 5076
3 Krishngarh Pawai 4139
4 Banoli Pawai 3346
5 Karhi Pawai 2651
6 Kunwarpur Pawai 2522
7 Karia Pawai 2456
8 Padaria Kalan Pawai 2370
9 Mahod Kalan Pawai 2340
10 Hathkuri Pawai 2339
11 Bhitri Mutmuru Pawai 2339
12 Simra Kalan Pawai 2216
13 Padaria Kalan Pawai 2120
14 Singwara Pawai 2113
15 Murachh Pawai 2052
16 Tikaria Deori Pawai 1952
17 Danwara Pawai 1948
18 Birsinghpur Pawai 1923
19 Khamariya Pawai 1915
20 Tighra Pawai 1912
21 Simra Khurd Pawai 1837
22 Narayanpura Pawai 1774
23 Kalda Pawai 1744
24 Sagra Pawai 1686
25 Boda Pawai 1649
26 Ganyari Pawai 1637
27 Sunwari Pawai 1623
28 Patna Kalan Pawai 1605
29 Hirapur Pawai 1550
30 Badkhera Pawai 1517
31 Koni Pawai 1511
32 Juhi Pawai 1421
33 Sata Budhasingh Pawai 1409
34 Hada Pawai 1392
35 Intay Pawai 1339
36 Kolkardiya Pawai 1324
37 Muhli Dharampura Pawai 1317
38 Raikara Pawai 1259
39 Patori Pawai 1255
40 Rihuta Pawai 1224
41 Umri Pawai 1215
42 Deori Sarkar Pawai 1184
43 Kharmora Pawai 1179
44 Ludhni Pawai 1158
45 Jhanjhar Pawai 1154
46 Deori Pawai 1136
47 Sunehi Pawai 1125
48 Atarhai Pawai 1108
49 Simariya Gulabsingh Pawai 1091
50 Kupna Pawai 1074
51 Dhesai Pawai 1058
52 Jagdishpura Pawai 1043
53 Kamta Pawai 1022
54 Murkuchhu Pawai 973
55 Chikhla Pawai 939
56 Chadra Pawai 928
57 Kothi Pawai 919
58 Simra Bahadur Pawai 893
59 Imalia Pawai 890
60 Urdani Pawai 856
61 Birasan Pawai 849
62 Pipariya Don Pawai 844
63 Umrahat Pawai 841
64 Badkhera Kalan Pawai 834
65 Padwar Pawai 823
66 Mihgawan Kalan Pawai 822
67 Bikaura Pawai 816
68 Magarpura Pawai 797
69 Golahi Pawai 775
70 Kumhari Pawai 758
71 Umaria Pawai 754
72 Kadhna Pawai 733
73 Bachhaun Pawai 718
74 Baraho Pawai 693
75 Rampura Pawai 682
76 Ghutehi Pawai 681
77 Gudha Pawai 679
78 Gurji Pawai 678
79 Chaumukha Pawai 672
80 Nargi Pawai 672
81 Chandanpur Pawai 659
82 Rajpur Pawai 648
83 Pipra Narayanpura Pawai 641
84 Pagra Pawai 623
85 Gudmania Pawai 623
86 Singhasar Pawai 623
87 Birwahi Pawai 617
88 Niwari Pawai 612
89 Shikarpura Pawai 604
90 Palohi Pawai 600
91 Jhirmila Pawai 599
92 Bartala Pawai 597
93 Hinauta Baish Pawai 589
94 Bilha Pawai 565
95 Juda Pawai 558
96 Saktara Pawai 541
97 Mahua Dol Pawai 539
98 Bijaduha Khilsari Pawai 526
99 Chhirraha Pawai 507
100 Mdeyan Pawai 506
101 Harduwa Byarma Pawai 505
102 Tilli (Tilni) Pawai 502
103 Kaithi Pawai 494
104 Thingri Pawai 484
105 Majhgawan Pahad Pawai 470
106 Jaitupura Pawai 459
107 Simri Pawai 458
108 Adhradi Pawai 454
109 Kuluwa Pawai 450
110 Sarsela Pawai 433
111 Mohadia Pawai 432
112 Pipariya Tiwari Pawai 431
113 Manki Pawai 417
114 Dhimari Pawai 412
115 Harduwa Pawai 402
116 Naradpur Pawai 397
117 Pipariya Pawai 392
118 Bandha Pawai 378
119 Richhi Pawai 374
120 Mania Pawai 374
121 Kakari Kachhar Pawai 369
122 Kaimuria Pawai 365
123 Tahanga Pawai 360
124 Deori Pawai 357
125 Katia Pawai 335
126 Ghutariya Pawai 326
127 Damuiya Pawai 317
128 Khatwar Pawai 317
129 Khara Pawai 316
130 Ghairi Pawai 313
131 Ganeshganj Pawai 311
132 Kutmi Bandora Pawai 309
133 Khairi Pawai 303
134 Marda Pawai 293
135 Jamuni Pawai 291
136 Amghat Pawai 286
137 Tikaria Pawai 274
138 Khamri Pawai 274
139 Janpura Pawai 255
140 Beldabar Pawai 228
141 Simri Khurd Pawai 225
142 Magarda Pawai 214
143 Kutarhia Pawai 210
144 Konda Pawai 206
145 Talgaon Pawai 176
146 Amua Pawai 175
147 Birha Pawai 173
148 Amajhor Pawai 168
149 Nayagaon Pawai 166
150 Sigada Pawai 158
151 Lilwar Pawai 155
152 Banwar Pawai 151
153 Diya Pawai 148
154 Pagri Pawai 144
155 Gubarda Pawai 134
156 Rampur Pawai 130
157 Boda Pawai 124
158 Majra Pawai 122
159 Budha Pawai 122
160 Chaupra Pawai 121
161 Rakseha Pawai 120
162 Sonai Pawai 120
163 Pairothi Pawai 116
164 Madli Pawai 110
165 Maharajganj Pawai 108
166 Pagra Pawai 91
167 Rtaru Pawai 79
168 Bhadar Pawai 72
169 Kudgawan Pawai 65
170 Ghudsar Pawai 44
171 Kinna Pawai 32
172 Phudwani Pawai 23
173 Banbhai Pawai N/A
174 Garlaga Pawai N/A
175 Patna Khurd Pawai N/A
176 Lidri Pawai N/A
177 Khajuri Pawai N/A
178 Beda Pawai N/A
179 Surdha Pawai N/A
