Villages and Towns of Poo Tehsil of District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

Poo Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh India. Poo teshil is one of the teshil of Kinnaur district Himachal Pradesh. In Poo Teshil there are 97 villages and 0 towns. Out of 97 villages in Poo teshil in which Up Mohal Poo (31/1) is most populated village with population of 2047 and least populated village is Dhar Lawar (82) having population only 0. There are 0 town in Poo sub-district which lies in Poo administrative devision. Most populated town in Poo Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Poo teshil is 8309 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Poo teshil is 775 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Poo teshil is 79.18%.

Census Data of Poo Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
8309 775 79.18%

Demographics details of Poo Teshil

The population of Poo sub district is 8309 people, among them about 4681 are male and 3628 are female. Total number of house holds in Poo Teshil is 1987. Total Literates persons are 6009 in which total male literates are 3700 and female literates are 2309. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 720, among them 376 are boys and 344 are girls.

Poo Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePoo
State NameHimachal Pradesh
District NameKinnaur
Total Population8309
Total No of House Holds1987
Total Male Population4681
Total Female Population3628
0-6 Age group Total Population720
0-6 Age group Male Population376
0-6 Age group Male Population344
Total Person Literates6009
Total Male Literates3700
Total Male Literates2309
Total Person Illiterates2300
Total Male Illiterates981
Total Male Illiterates1319
Scheduled Cast Persons1925
Scheduled Cast Males953
Scheduled Cast Females972
Scheduled Tribe Persons2202
Scheduled Tribe Males1836
Scheduled Tribe Females2202

Poo Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 8309 0
Population (%) 100 % 0 %
Male Population 4681 0
Female Population 3628 0
Sex Ratio 775 0
Child Population (0-6) 376 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 915 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 8.67% 0%
Households in 1987 0
Literates 6009 0
Literacy % 79.18% 0%
Male Literacy 85.95% 0%
Female Literacy 70.31% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Poo Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 2409 1890 519 28.99% 23.42%
Muslim 71 56 15 0.85% 0.47%
Christian 92 63 29 1.11% 1.01%
Sikh 28 27 1 0.34% 0.36%
Buddhist 5704 2643 3061 68.65% 53.87%
Jain 3 1 2 0.04% 0.03%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 2 1 1 0.02% 0.03%

Workers profile of Poo Teshil

Poo has 6153 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 3744 male and 2409 female population are working population. Full time workers in Poo teshil are 5210 and 943 are marginal (part time) workers.

Poo Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 6153 3744 2409
Main Workers 5210 3407 1803
Main Workers Cultivators 2516 1216 1300
Agriculture Labourer 167 108 59
Household Industries 84 61 23
Other Workers 2443 2022 421
Marginal Workers 943 337 606
Non Working Persons 2156 937 1219

List of villages in Teshil-Poo, District-Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Up Mohal Poo (31/1) Poo 2047
2 Up Mohal Spiloo Khas (1/1) Poo 757
3 Up Mohal Sunam Khas (15/1) Poo 594
4 Up Mohal Labrang Khas (3/1) Poo 585
5 Up Mohal Kanam Khas (6/1) Poo 527
6 Up Mohal Dubling (30/1) Poo 436
7 Nesang Khas (78/1) Poo 371
8 Up Mohal Kanam Nichla (6/2) Poo 360
9 Up Mohal Ropakhas (43/1) Poo 349
10 Up Mohal Namgia Khas (35/1) Poo 326
11 Up Mohal Rush Kulang (13/1) Poo 316
12 Up Mohal Giabong Khas (39/1) Poo 285
13 Up Mohal Danmochhe (31/3) Poo 257
14 Up Mohal Labrang (31/2) Poo 243
15 Up Mohal Giabong Parla (39/3) Poo 216
16 Up Mohal Shyaso (17) Poo 110
17 Up Mohal Sumtat (43/3) Poo 103
18 Up Mohal Khabo (32/1) Poo 97
19 Up Mohal Tashi Gang (35/3) Poo 88
20 Up Mohal Taling (13/2) Poo 56
21 Horang Pawa (78/2) Poo 36
22 Up Mohal Dabling (30/2) Poo 34
23 Up Mohal Thoropa (43/2) Poo 31
24 Up Mohal Gyamil (6/4) Poo 25
25 Up Mohal Chelit (16) Poo 24
26 Dhupak (15/2) Poo 17
27 Up Mohal Namkalang (3/2) Poo 15
28 Up Mohal Namgia Kanda (35/2) Poo 4
29 Dhar Manela (50) Poo N/A
30 Dhar Larsa Niyowal (51) Poo N/A
31 Dhar Chang Guar Guar (49) Poo N/A
32 D.P.F.C-205 (42) Poo N/A
33 D.P.F.C-204 (44) Poo N/A
34 Up Mohal Shive (39/4) Poo N/A
35 D.P.F.C-201 (47) Poo N/A
36 D.P.F.C-200 (48) Poo N/A
37 Up Mohal Charti (39/5) Poo N/A
38 D.P.F.C-202 (46) Poo N/A
39 D.P.F.C-203 (45) Poo N/A
40 D.P.F.C-208 (11) Poo N/A
41 D.P.F.C-207 (40) Poo N/A
42 D.P.F.C-206 (41) Poo N/A
43 Up Mohal Jang Phachho (39/2) Poo N/A
44 Dhar Khabai (10) Poo N/A
45 Up Mohal Brati Kanda (13/3) Poo N/A
46 D.P.F.C-209 (12) Poo N/A
47 Up Mohal Chelit Kanda (15/3) Poo N/A
48 Up Mohal Khad Makha (15/4) Poo N/A
49 D.P.F.C-210 (14) Poo N/A
50 Dhar Binathang (8) Poo N/A
51 Up Mohal Shurpu (6/3) Poo N/A
52 Up Mohal Tapang Kanda (3/3) Poo N/A
53 Dhar Mandal Gurunag (9) Poo N/A
54 D.P.F.C-212 (5) Poo N/A
55 Up Mohal Foche (1/2) Poo N/A
56 D.P.F.C-214 (2) Poo N/A
57 D.P.F.C-213 (4) Poo N/A
58 D.P.F.C-211 (7) Poo N/A
59 Dhar Gyabyum (21) Poo N/A
60 Dhar Dumba (20) Poo N/A
61 Dhar Chho (18) Poo N/A
62 Dhar Aye (19) Poo N/A
63 Up Mohal Rizing Kanda (31/5) Poo N/A
64 Up Mohal Doling Kanda (31/4) Poo N/A
65 Dhar Dolma (38) Poo N/A
66 Up Mohal Chakulang (31/6) Poo N/A
67 Dhar Potal (37) Poo N/A
68 Dhar Chhopan (36) Poo N/A
69 Dhar Yangusa (34) Poo N/A
70 Up Mohal Thunsa Kanda (32/2) Poo N/A
71 Dhar Dulse Thang (33) Poo N/A
72 Up Mohal Dulse Thang (30/5) Poo N/A
73 Dhar Thunsa (28) Poo N/A
74 Up Mohal Yangti Kanda (30/4) Poo N/A
75 Mohal Bali Dhar (27) Poo N/A
76 D.P.F.C-199 (29) Poo N/A
77 D.P.F.C-198 (26) Poo N/A
78 Up Mohal Rishi Kanda (30/3) Poo N/A
79 Dhar Maryul (25) Poo N/A
80 Dhar yang Dogsa (22) Poo N/A
81 Dhar Yurfuk (23) Poo N/A
82 Dhar Rishi (24) Poo N/A
83 Dhar Piwung (90) Poo N/A
84 Shaktang (78/3) Poo N/A
85 Dhar Doge (79) Poo N/A
86 Gyamting (78/4) Poo N/A
87 Dhar Warchha (89) Poo N/A
88 Piana (78/5) Poo N/A
89 Khadi (78/6) Poo N/A
90 Dhar Tipung (77) Poo N/A
91 Dhar Rothen (81) Poo N/A
92 Dhar Lungpha (88) Poo N/A
93 Dhar Joganchan (87) Poo N/A
94 Jagechan (78/7) Poo N/A
95 Dhar Chamangti (86) Poo N/A
96 Dhar Lung Kurkur (83) Poo N/A
97 Dhar Lawar (82) Poo N/A
