Villages and Towns of Puncha Tehsil of District Puruliya, West Bengal

Puncha Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Puruliya District, West Bengal India. Puncha teshil is one of the teshil of Puruliya district West Bengal. In Puncha Teshil there are 109 villages and 0 towns. Out of 109 villages in Puncha teshil in which Puncha is most populated village with population of 5404 and least populated village is Gargatbahal having population only 0. There are 0 town in Puncha sub-district which lies in Puncha administrative devision. Most populated town in Puncha Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Puncha teshil is 123855 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Puncha teshil is 976 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Puncha teshil is 68.14%.

Census Data of Puncha Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
123855 976 68.14%

Demographics details of Puncha Teshil

The population of Puncha sub district is 123855 people, among them about 62676 are male and 61179 are female. Total number of house holds in Puncha Teshil is 25262. Total Literates persons are 73486 in which total male literates are 44267 and female literates are 29219. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16012, among them 8133 are boys and 7879 are girls.

Puncha Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePuncha
State NameWest Bengal
District NamePuruliya
Total Population123855
Total No of House Holds25262
Total Male Population62676
Total Female Population61179
0-6 Age group Total Population16012
0-6 Age group Male Population8133
0-6 Age group Male Population7879
Total Person Literates73486
Total Male Literates44267
Total Male Literates29219
Total Person Illiterates50369
Total Male Illiterates18409
Total Male Illiterates31960
Scheduled Cast Persons18006
Scheduled Cast Males9066
Scheduled Cast Females8940
Scheduled Tribe Persons15410
Scheduled Tribe Males15231
Scheduled Tribe Females15410

Puncha Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 192298 15834
Population (%) 155.26 % 12.78 %
Male Population 98887 8196
Female Population 93411 7638
Sex Ratio 945 932
Child Population (0-6) 11256 779
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 971 935
Child Percentage (0-6) 11.54% 10.18%
Households in 41885 3515
Literates 138143 12035
Literacy % 81.21% 84.62%
Male Literacy 86.42% 89.75%
Female Literacy 75.67% 79.12%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Puncha Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 101672 51634 50038 82.09% 56.72%
Muslim 4402 2256 2146 3.55% 2.35%
Christian 53 23 30 0.04% 0.03%
Sikh 5 3 2 0% 0%
Buddhist 3 1 2 0% 0%
Jain 2 2 0 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 17440 8630 8810 14.08% 8.9%
Religion not stated 278 127 151 0.22% 0.14%

Workers profile of Puncha Teshil

Puncha has 65031 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 36327 male and 28704 female population are working population. Full time workers in Puncha teshil are 29861 and 35170 are marginal (part time) workers.

Puncha Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 65031 36327 28704
Main Workers 29861 22141 7720
Main Workers Cultivators 10991 9207 1784
Agriculture Labourer 11100 6684 4416
Household Industries 621 435 186
Other Workers 7149 5815 1334
Marginal Workers 35170 14186 20984
Non Working Persons 58824 26349 32475

List of villages in Teshil-Puncha, District-Puruliya, West Bengal as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Puncha Puncha 5404
2 Pirra Puncha 4049
3 Chandra Puncha 3884
4 Kenda Puncha 3803
5 Jambad Puncha 3776
6 Lapara Puncha 3267
7 Badra Puncha 3082
8 Kuruktopa Puncha 2964
9 Laulara Puncha 2743
10 Bansa Puncha 2696
11 Penchara Puncha 2614
12 Matha Puncha 2446
13 Deorang Puncha 2379
14 Bagda Puncha 2370
15 Damodarpur Puncha 2303
16 Kaira Puncha 2249
17 Chhirudi Puncha 2243
18 Panipathar Puncha 2118
19 Konapara Puncha 1990
20 Gopalpur Puncha 1977
21 Punura Puncha 1968
22 Dhadki Puncha 1944
23 Palma Puncha 1925
24 Laharia Puncha 1883
25 Panrui Puncha 1855
26 Kanara Puncha 1836
27 Maheshpur Puncha 1821
28 Pakbirra Puncha 1754
29 Delang Puncha 1739
30 Hariharpur Puncha 1660
31 Poradi Puncha 1659
32 Tatari Puncha 1622
33 Noagarh Puncha 1605
34 Gholkund Puncha 1566
35 Saurang Puncha 1501
36 Bhagaband Puncha 1497
37 Bishpuria Puncha 1424
38 Dharampur Puncha 1298
39 Chandatiri Puncha 1264
40 Bharatdi Puncha 1238
41 Kendadi Puncha 1236
42 Agaya Puncha 1187
43 Bhutam Puncha 1139
44 Kundhurka Puncha 1121
45 Gangadi Puncha 999
46 Balakdi Puncha 982
47 Panruda Puncha 969
48 Raghunathpur Puncha 891
49 Gagda Puncha 852
50 Sargara Puncha 841
51 Arali Puncha 837
52 Samakata Puncha 830
53 Simakanali Puncha 829
54 Narendrapur Puncha 817
55 Negurya Puncha 797
56 Dhabani Puncha 771
57 Rajakhanda Puncha 768
58 Babuijor Puncha 768
59 Kuchung Puncha 764
60 Joykalla Puncha 730
61 Debgram Puncha 709
62 Ramaidi Puncha 698
63 Darodi Puncha 689
64 Lakhra Puncha 685
65 Goaladi Alias Mishradeuli Puncha 655
66 Ramkundi Puncha 582
67 Kalapathar Alias Runujhunu Puncha 547
68 Dhangakend Puncha 544
69 Chakia Puncha 514
70 Chandanpur Puncha 509
71 Chhatalalpur Puncha 473
72 Deuli Puncha 471
73 Baradahi Alias Dhadkidi Puncha 429
74 Shyampur Puncha 416
75 Kendbani Puncha 405
76 Makarka Puncha 399
77 Amjora Puncha 392
78 Payaka Puncha 387
79 Gadasal Alias Lalpahari Puncha 384
80 Gopinathpur Puncha 364
81 Saragarya Puncha 349
82 Haridi Puncha 348
83 Raghunathpur Puncha 328
84 Mahuladanga Puncha 327
85 Baraghutu Puncha 313
86 Birdang Puncha 313
87 Butgora Puncha 309
88 Chaklalpur Puncha 291
89 Pratappur Puncha 266
90 Anandabazar Puncha 254
91 Bahadurpur Puncha 180
92 Chak Altagora Puncha 164
93 Patkua Puncha 153
94 Kanchannagar Puncha 148
95 Parbad Puncha 141
96 Layamara Puncha 94
97 Amtakanali Puncha 38
98 Shyamdi Puncha 38
99 Bhatadi Puncha 5
100 Fatepur Puncha N/A
101 Niasa Puncha N/A
102 Bankanali Puncha N/A
103 Arkusadanga Puncha N/A
104 Rolabad Puncha N/A
105 Beranakhi Puncha N/A
106 Katrahi Puncha N/A
107 Kalipur Puncha N/A
108 Bhatamdi Puncha N/A
109 Gargatbahal Puncha N/A
