Villages and Towns of Pusad Tehsil of District Yavatmal, Maharashtra

Pusad Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Yavatmal District, Maharashtra India. Pusad teshil is one of the teshil of Yavatmal district Maharashtra. In Pusad Teshil there are 187 villages and 2 towns. Out of 187 villages in Pusad teshil in which Shambal Pimpri is most populated village with population of 9088 and least populated village is Khatkala having population only 0. There are 2 town in Pusad sub-district which lies in Pusad administrative devision. Most populated town in Pusad Teshil is Shrirampur (CT) with population of 9949.

Total population of Pusad teshil is 341186 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Pusad teshil is 940 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Pusad teshil is 80.16%.

Census Data of Pusad Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
341186 940 80.16%

Demographics details of Pusad Teshil

The population of Pusad sub district is 341186 people, among them about 175905 are male and 165281 are female. Total number of house holds in Pusad Teshil is 72470. Total Literates persons are 236816 in which total male literates are 134584 and female literates are 102232. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 45751, among them 24079 are boys and 21672 are girls.

Pusad Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NamePusad
State NameMaharashtra
District NameYavatmal
Total Population341186
Total No of House Holds72470
Total Male Population175905
Total Female Population165281
0-6 Age group Total Population45751
0-6 Age group Male Population24079
0-6 Age group Male Population21672
Total Person Literates236816
Total Male Literates134584
Total Male Literates102232
Total Person Illiterates104370
Total Male Illiterates41321
Total Male Illiterates63049
Scheduled Cast Persons50592
Scheduled Cast Males25649
Scheduled Cast Females24943
Scheduled Tribe Persons24953
Scheduled Tribe Males26136
Scheduled Tribe Females24953

Pusad Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 232553 27433
Population (%) 68.16 % 8.04 %
Male Population 120081 14066
Female Population 112472 13367
Sex Ratio 937 950
Child Population (0-6) 17237 1855
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 909 926
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.15% 14.07%
Households in 47691 5217
Literates 149996 18937
Literacy % 75.13% 80.33%
Male Literacy 84.18% 87.35%
Female Literacy 65.52% 72.98%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Pusad Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 255865 132387 123478 74.99% 59.33%
Muslim 41894 21362 20532 12.28% 10.48%
Christian 376 178 198 0.11% 0.09%
Sikh 136 71 65 0.04% 0.04%
Buddhist 40118 20436 19682 11.76% 9.45%
Jain 2223 1167 1056 0.65% 0.66%
Other religions and persuasions 15 8 7 0% 0%
Religion not stated 559 296 263 0.16% 0.11%

Workers profile of Pusad Teshil

Pusad has 157151 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 93805 male and 63346 female population are working population. Full time workers in Pusad teshil are 142714 and 14437 are marginal (part time) workers.

Pusad Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 157151 93805 63346
Main Workers 142714 86864 55850
Main Workers Cultivators 34898 21500 13398
Agriculture Labourer 78669 41935 36734
Household Industries 1501 987 514
Other Workers 27646 22442 5204
Marginal Workers 14437 6941 7496
Non Working Persons 184035 82100 101935

List of Town/City of Pusad Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Pusad with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Yavatmal is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Shrirampur (CT) 9949 946
2 Pusad (M Cl) 73046 955

List of villages in Teshil-Pusad, District-Yavatmal, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Shambal Pimpri Pusad 9088
2 Kakaddati Pusad 6432
3 Kawadipur Pusad 5036
4 Isapur Pusad 4747
5 Madhukarnagar Pusad 4439
6 Jamb Bajar Pusad 4313
7 Bhojala Pusad 4096
8 Bori Kh Pusad 3661
9 Shilona Pusad 3589
10 Lakhi Pusad 3488
11 Harshi Pusad 3073
12 Manikdoh Pusad 3039
13 Pardi Pusad 3011
14 Rohada Pusad 2993
15 Borgadi Pusad 2802
16 Nimbhi Pusad 2799
17 Bansi Pusad 2723
18 Goul Kh Pusad 2718
19 Belura Bk. Pusad 2707
20 Wanwarla Pusad 2665
21 Mandwa Pusad 2595
22 Sawargaon Bangla Pusad 2485
23 Jamshetpur Pusad 2482
24 Mungshi Pusad 2422
25 Dhansal Pusad 2417
26 Jawahar Nagar Pusad 2395
27 Warud Pusad 2380
28 Shelu Bk Pusad 2333
29 Wadgaon Pusad 2332
30 Kopra Bk Pusad 2312
31 Weni Kh Pusad 2173
32 Adgaon Pusad 2160
33 Fetra Pusad 2042
34 Rajana Pusad 2028
35 Hanuman Nagar Pusad 1983
36 Aregaon Kh Pusad 1934
37 Katkheda Kh. Pusad 1907
38 Deokarla Pusad 1872
39 Chondhi Pusad 1864
40 Singarwadi Pusad 1832
41 Hudi Kh Pusad 1829
42 Sandwa Pusad 1813
43 Jawali Pusad 1796
44 Asoli Pusad 1789
45 Hiwalni Palampat Pusad 1762
46 Januna Pusad 1758
47 Hiwalni (T) Pusad 1748
48 Ashwinpur Pusad 1748
49 Nanand Ijara Pusad 1664
50 Shampur Pusad 1644
51 Khadakdari Pusad 1642
52 Lohara Kh. Pusad 1623
53 Paradh Pusad 1618
54 Dhankeshwar (N.V.) Pusad 1596
55 Mhaismal Pusad 1591
56 Karhol Pusad 1586
57 Hudi Bk Pusad 1572
58 Bornagar Pusad 1556
59 Krushna Nagar Pusad 1510
60 Gahuli Pusad 1498
61 Pimpalgaon Ijara Pusad 1491
62 Hegadi Pusad 1476
63 Udadi Pusad 1462
64 Hanwat Kheda Pusad 1452
65 Dagad Dhanora Pusad 1450
66 Pandurna Kh Pusad 1433
67 Lohara Ijara Pusad 1417
68 Kondai Pusad 1413
69 Mop Pusad 1391
70 Gopwadi Pusad 1360
71 Gaimukh Nagar Pusad 1337
72 Jamnaik (1) Pusad 1329
73 Nandipur Pusad 1313
74 Panhala Pusad 1313
75 Chikhali Pusad 1311
76 Vasantwadi Pusad 1298
77 Nandura Ijara Pusad 1261
78 Parwa Pusad 1252
79 Jyoti Nagar Pusad 1245
80 Londari Pusad 1245
81 Bhandari Pusad 1244
82 Belgavhan Pusad 1239
83 Waghjali Pusad 1238
84 Jawla Pusad 1229
85 Gajipur Pusad 1229
86 Waltur (R) Pusad 1213
87 Ramnagar Pusad 1212
88 Aregaon Bk Pusad 1209
89 Ram Nagar Pusad 1170
90 Moha Ijara Pusad 1167
91 Rampur Pusad 1162
92 Yeldari Pusad 1148
93 Rampur Nagar Pusad 1127
94 Pandhurna Bk Pusad 1117
95 Malasoli Pusad 1098
96 Khairkheda Pusad 1095
97 Bajrangnagar Pusad 1085
98 Pokhari Pusad 1080
99 Deothana Pusad 1069
100 Mokhad Pusad 1066
101 Parwa Kh Pusad 1048
102 Buti Ijara Pusad 1036
103 Jamani Dhundi Pusad 1015
104 Sawargaon (Gore) Pusad 1013
105 Amrut Nagar Pusad 1001
106 Amati Pusad 1000
107 Fulwadi Pusad 1000
108 Bibi Pusad 999
109 Manjarjawala (kh) Pusad 992
110 Dhanora Ijara Pusad 987
111 Vasantpur Pusad 974
112 Indira Nagar Pusad 971
113 Sawangi Pusad 943
114 Dhansing Nagar Pusad 939
115 Chichghat Pusad 929
116 Yeranda Pusad 906
117 Wadsad Pusad 905
118 Kharshi Pusad 873
119 Brahmangaon Pusad 872
120 Jamnaik (2) Pusad 871
121 Jagapur Pusad 870
122 Pimpalgaon Pusad 868
123 Marwadi Kh Pusad 863
124 Amdari Pusad 860
125 Kanherwadi Pusad 859
126 Upavanwadi Pusad 847
127 Khandala Pusad 841
128 Dharamwadi Pusad 830
129 Chilwadi Pusad 829
130 Katkheda Bk. Pusad 827
131 Dudhagiri Pusad 816
132 Pimpalkhuta Pusad 813
133 Sevadas Nagar Pusad 808
134 Palu Pusad 808
135 Waltur Tambde Pusad 806
136 Gaul Bk Pusad 787
137 Nanand Kh. Pusad 773
138 Marwadi Bk Pusad 773
139 Itawa Pusad 756
140 Mansal Pusad 755
141 Loni Pusad 735
142 Shivaji Nagar Pusad 733
143 Dahiwad Bk Pusad 702
144 Ganeshpur Pusad 695
145 Ghatodi Pusad 687
146 Yehala Pusad 678
147 Shiwani Pusad 667
148 Sattarmal Pusad 667
149 Palodi Pusad 655
150 Pimpalgaon Pusad 645
151 Inapur Pusad 643
152 Bhatamba Pusad 625
153 Kumbhari Pusad 623
154 Belura Kh. Pusad 564
155 Hiwalni Kh Pusad 548
156 Bori Machchhindar Pusad 541
157 Shivaji Nagar Pusad 534
158 Horkad Pusad 517
159 Housapur Pusad 503
160 Chikani Pusad 489
161 Manjarjawala Pusad 469
162 Shelu Kh. Pusad 449
163 Karla Pusad 440
164 Balawadi Pusad 426
165 Marsul Pusad 417
166 Naik Nagar Pusad 411
167 Asarpend Pusad 334
168 Lobhivantnagar Pusad 317
169 Chirangwadi Pusad 313
170 Deogavhan Pusad 273
171 Kopra Kh. Pusad 220
172 Rambha Pusad 217
173 Pimparwadi Pusad 194
174 Wamanwadi Pusad 192
175 Gaul Manjari Pusad 174
176 Ansing Pusad 61
177 Uti Pusad 14
178 Kadoli Pusad N/A
179 Gadi Pusad N/A
180 Sukali Pusad N/A
181 Pachkuduk Pusad N/A
182 Satefol Pusad N/A
183 Kolha (Pa) Pusad N/A
184 Kurhadi Pusad N/A
185 Deogavhan Pusad N/A
186 Warwat Pusad N/A
187 Khatkala Pusad N/A
