Villages and Towns of Raipura Tehsil of District Panna, Madhya Pradesh

Raipura Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Panna District, Madhya Pradesh India. Raipura teshil is one of the teshil of Panna district Madhya Pradesh. In Raipura Teshil there are 109 villages and 0 towns. Out of 109 villages in Raipura teshil in which Raipura is most populated village with population of 5426 and least populated village is Titurpani having population only 0. There are 0 town in Raipura sub-district which lies in Raipura administrative devision. Most populated town in Raipura Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Raipura teshil is 77629 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Raipura teshil is 934 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Raipura teshil is 61.73%.

Census Data of Raipura Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
77629 934 61.73%

Demographics details of Raipura Teshil

The population of Raipura sub district is 77629 people, among them about 40136 are male and 37493 are female. Total number of house holds in Raipura Teshil is 19684. Total Literates persons are 39987 in which total male literates are 24395 and female literates are 15592. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 12854, among them 6784 are boys and 6070 are girls.

Raipura Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRaipura
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NamePanna
Total Population77629
Total No of House Holds19684
Total Male Population40136
Total Female Population37493
0-6 Age group Total Population12854
0-6 Age group Male Population6784
0-6 Age group Male Population6070
Total Person Literates39987
Total Male Literates24395
Total Male Literates15592
Total Person Illiterates37642
Total Male Illiterates15741
Total Male Illiterates21901
Scheduled Cast Persons14930
Scheduled Cast Males7729
Scheduled Cast Females7201
Scheduled Tribe Persons8248
Scheduled Tribe Males8412
Scheduled Tribe Females8248

Raipura Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 124353 0
Population (%) 160.19 % 0 %
Male Population 65175 0
Female Population 59178 0
Sex Ratio 908 0
Child Population (0-6) 10413 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 901 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.92% 0%
Households in 30999 0
Literates 68109 0
Literacy % 65.14% 0%
Male Literacy 75.55% 0%
Female Literacy 53.69% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Raipura Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 75981 39309 36672 97.88% 60.05%
Muslim 1057 519 538 1.36% 0.99%
Christian 32 15 17 0.04% 0.04%
Sikh 14 11 3 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 2 2 0 0% 0%
Jain 444 239 205 0.57% 0.58%
Other religions and persuasions 3 1 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 96 40 56 0.12% 0.06%

Workers profile of Raipura Teshil

Raipura has 36829 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 21566 male and 15263 female population are working population. Full time workers in Raipura teshil are 16746 and 20083 are marginal (part time) workers.

Raipura Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 36829 21566 15263
Main Workers 16746 12946 3800
Main Workers Cultivators 9019 7201 1818
Agriculture Labourer 4222 3042 1180
Household Industries 571 405 166
Other Workers 2934 2298 636
Marginal Workers 20083 8620 11463
Non Working Persons 40800 18570 22230

List of villages in Teshil-Raipura, District-Panna, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Raipura Raipura 5426
2 Malghan Raipura 2819
3 Raiya Sata Raipura 2737
4 Pipariya Kalan Raipura 2283
5 Baghwar Kalan Raipura 2275
6 Bagrod Raipura 2139
7 Bharwara Raipura 1931
8 Pondi Raipura 1869
9 Badagaon Sarsela Raipura 1836
10 Harduwa Patel Raipura 1690
11 Chandrawal Raipura 1636
12 Jargawan Raipura 1601
13 Adhrand Raipura 1518
14 Roopjhir Raipura 1465
15 Uncha Raipura 1438
16 Maharajganj Raipura 1425
17 Nandan Raipura 1403
18 Bamhori Raipura 1385
19 Khamaria Raipura 1374
20 Bari Raipura 1199
21 Madwa Raipura 1195
22 Harduwa Rajjoo Raipura 1121
23 Bilpura Raipura 1060
24 Puraini Raipura 943
25 Itaura Raipura 870
26 Muhara Raipura 864
27 Moolpara Raipura 822
28 Nandchand Raipura 806
29 Jamunia Raipura 801
30 Pipariya Khurd Raipura 764
31 Simari Pondi Raipura 736
32 Satwa Raipura 725
33 Dohli Raipura 714
34 Birampura Raipura 710
35 Kunda(Kuda) Raipura 706
36 Bija Kheda Raipura 703
37 Bhadpura Raipura 702
38 Pati Kheda Raipura 680
39 Baghwar Khurd Raipura 673
40 Mangawan Raipura 669
41 Ganj Raipura 652
42 Jamundad Raipura 646
43 Mankora Raipura 628
44 Tulla Raipura 623
45 Dobha Baghnarwa Raipura 594
46 Sonmau Khurd Raipura 589
47 Murta Raipura 585
48 Chunguna Raipura 569
49 Sonmau Kalan Raipura 559
50 Chalni Raipura 546
51 Salaiya Samari Raipura 537
52 Madhiya Raipura 535
53 Kishun Patan Raipura 524
54 Patna Raipura 520
55 Hardua Sarasbahu Raipura 518
56 Padariya Khurd Raipura 511
57 Kakra Raipura 496
58 Simri Kalan Raipura 494
59 Bhajiya Raipura 491
60 Makkepala Raipura 479
61 Kajgawan Raipura 458
62 Manki Raipura 430
63 Takhori Raipura 429
64 Khusra Raipura 425
65 Jhaladumri Raipura 420
66 Majhgawan Memar Raipura 419
67 Imaliya Raipura 412
68 Changeri Raipura 409
69 Ranipura Raipura 407
70 Madhopura Raipura 383
71 Chheola Kalan Raipura 376
72 Surra Raipura 370
73 Pati Kalan Raipura 354
74 Ranipura Raipura 334
75 Mihdawa Raipura 321
76 Pati Khurd Raipura 321
77 Gurkhai (Govindpura) Raipura 318
78 Lakhanchauri Raipura 316
79 Sarai Kheda Raipura 299
80 Amdar Govindpura Raipura 298
81 Bijwar Raipura 276
82 Sagoni Raipura 275
83 Ghutehi Raipura 271
84 Majhgawan Dauwa Raipura 262
85 Harduwa Gijar Raipura 262
86 Kuwan Kheda Raipura 253
87 Aloni Raipura 250
88 Umaria Raipura 228
89 Pauniya Raipura 210
90 Biharwara Raipura 208
91 Chandna Raipura 200
92 Fatepur Raipura 180
93 Pateriya Raipura 144
94 Bhilauni Raipura 95
95 Naya Kheda Raipura 76
96 Banjaria Raipura 52
97 Arjunpura Raipura 44
98 Jaitupura Raipura 18
99 Bad Khera Raipura 15
100 Jotpur Raipura 2
101 Tipari Raipura N/A
102 Deori Raipura N/A
103 Anwari Raipura N/A
104 Karanpura Raipura N/A
105 Bhartala Raipura N/A
106 Dhawadikheda Raipura N/A
107 Padrehi Raipura N/A
108 Chamarhiya Kheda Raipura N/A
109 Titurpani Raipura N/A
