Villages and Towns of Ramanujganj Tehsil of District Surguja, Chhattisgarh

Ramanujganj Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Surguja District, Chhattisgarh India. Ramanujganj teshil is one of the teshil of Surguja district Chhattisgarh. In Ramanujganj Teshil there are 113 villages and 1 towns. Out of 113 villages in Ramanujganj teshil in which Vijaynagar is most populated village with population of 5715 and least populated village is Chainpur having population only 4. There are 1 town in Ramanujganj sub-district which lies in Ramanujganj administrative devision. Most populated town in Ramanujganj Teshil is Ramanujganj (NP) with population of 11893.

Total population of Ramanujganj teshil is 168066 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Ramanujganj teshil is 963 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Ramanujganj teshil is 59.62%.

Census Data of Ramanujganj Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
168066 963 59.62%

Demographics details of Ramanujganj Teshil

The population of Ramanujganj sub district is 168066 people, among them about 85624 are male and 82442 are female. Total number of house holds in Ramanujganj Teshil is 34064. Total Literates persons are 81643 in which total male literates are 48621 and female literates are 33022. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 31127, among them 15975 are boys and 15152 are girls.

Ramanujganj Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRamanujganj
State NameChhattisgarh
District NameSurguja
Total Population168066
Total No of House Holds34064
Total Male Population85624
Total Female Population82442
0-6 Age group Total Population31127
0-6 Age group Male Population15975
0-6 Age group Male Population15152
Total Person Literates81643
Total Male Literates48621
Total Male Literates33022
Total Person Illiterates86423
Total Male Illiterates37003
Total Male Illiterates49420
Scheduled Cast Persons7289
Scheduled Cast Males3722
Scheduled Cast Females3567
Scheduled Tribe Persons42049
Scheduled Tribe Males42946
Scheduled Tribe Females42049

Ramanujganj Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 78918 0
Population (%) 46.96 % 0 %
Male Population 39780 0
Female Population 39138 0
Sex Ratio 984 0
Child Population (0-6) 6385 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 970 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.94% 0%
Households in 18029 0
Literates 37626 0
Literacy % 56.72% 0%
Male Literacy 66.08% 0%
Female Literacy 47.23% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Ramanujganj Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 146000 74541 71459 86.87% 51.1%
Muslim 18022 9027 8995 10.72% 7.02%
Christian 1548 770 778 0.92% 0.68%
Sikh 7 3 4 0% 0%
Buddhist 9 5 4 0.01% 0%
Jain 13 7 6 0.01% 0.01%
Other religions and persuasions 2398 1228 1170 1.43% 0.79%
Religion not stated 69 43 26 0.04% 0.02%

Workers profile of Ramanujganj Teshil

Ramanujganj has 76135 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 43221 male and 32914 female population are working population. Full time workers in Ramanujganj teshil are 46859 and 29276 are marginal (part time) workers.

Ramanujganj Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 76135 43221 32914
Main Workers 46859 35389 11470
Main Workers Cultivators 24837 20201 4636
Agriculture Labourer 14524 9278 5246
Household Industries 344 205 139
Other Workers 7154 5705 1449
Marginal Workers 29276 7832 21444
Non Working Persons 91931 42403 49528

List of Town/City of Ramanujganj Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Ramanujganj with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Surguja is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Ramanujganj (NP) 11893 920

List of villages in Teshil-Ramanujganj, District-Surguja, Chhattisgarh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Vijaynagar Ramanujganj 5715
2 Pachawal Ramanujganj 4321
3 Mahavirganj Ramanujganj 4077
4 Trisuli Ramanujganj 3869
5 Sanawal Ramanujganj 3725
6 Kameshwar Nagar Ramanujganj 3449
7 Talkeshwarpur Ramanujganj 3426
8 Mitgai Ramanujganj 3277
9 Pipraul Ramanujganj 3217
10 Balbhadra Nagar (Nawadih) Ramanujganj 2735
11 Chandranagar Ramanujganj 2654
12 Kurludih Ramanujganj 2622
13 Vishwanathpur Urf Marma Ramanujganj 2587
14 Palgi Ramanujganj 2509
15 Bhawarmal Ramanujganj 2495
16 Mahadeopur Ramanujganj 2464
17 Dindo Ramanujganj 2322
18 Kanakpur Ramanujganj 2310
19 Indrawatipur Ramanujganj 2192
20 Lodha Ramanujganj 2189
21 Anirudhpur Ramanujganj 2113
22 Barwahi Ramanujganj 2086
23 Nagra Ramanujganj 2085
24 Trikunda Ramanujganj 2084
25 Salwahi Ramanujganj 2000
26 Piparpan Ramanujganj 1992
27 Dumerpan Ramanujganj 1945
28 Silaju Ramanujganj 1901
29 Oranga Ramanujganj 1862
30 Bhala Ramanujganj 1846
31 Kundpan Ramanujganj 1794
32 Chaki Ramanujganj 1759
33 Gajar Ramanujganj 1671
34 Krishnanagar Ramanujganj 1651
35 Chumra Ramanujganj 1645
36 Dharmi Ramanujganj 1606
37 Deviganj Ramanujganj 1581
38 Bimalapur Ramanujganj 1533
39 Chera Ramanujganj 1494
40 Kalikapur Ramanujganj 1470
41 Rewatipur Ramanujganj 1467
42 Bagra Ramanujganj 1440
43 Dolangi Ramanujganj 1423
44 Ramchandrapur Ramanujganj 1386
45 Jhara Ramanujganj 1336
46 Bhitiyahi Ramanujganj 1294
47 Bishanpur Ramanujganj 1287
48 Bulgaon Ramanujganj 1273
49 Purshottampur Ramanujganj 1257
50 Gamhariya Ramanujganj 1251
51 Krishnanagar Ramanujganj 1236
52 Purandih Ramanujganj 1225
53 Sundarpur Ramanujganj 1204
54 Chunapather Ramanujganj 1198
55 Banapati Ramanujganj 1197
56 Dhauli Ramanujganj 1163
57 Basera Khurd Ramanujganj 1158
58 Tatiather Ramanujganj 1154
59 Tameshwarnagar Ramanujganj 1072
60 Chiniya Ramanujganj 1070
61 Barahnagar Ramanujganj 1063
62 Indrapur Ramanujganj 1057
63 Lawa Ramanujganj 1035
64 Deogai Ramanujganj 1023
65 Hariharpur Ramanujganj 966
66 Belkurta Ramanujganj 958
67 Anandpur Ramanujganj 946
68 Nehrunagar Ramanujganj 937
69 Meghuli Ramanujganj 915
70 Kushfar Ramanujganj 912
71 Nilkanthpur Ramanujganj 891
72 Nawapara Ramanujganj 825
73 Kewali Ramanujganj 823
74 Bahar Chura Ramanujganj 820
75 Lurgi Ramanujganj 819
76 Minwakhand Ramanujganj 809
77 Balrampur Urf Badgodi Ramanujganj 802
78 Semerawa Ramanujganj 785
79 Kundru Ramanujganj 782
80 Radhanagar Ramanujganj 765
81 Tetardih Ramanujganj 764
82 Vishalpur Ramanujganj 752
83 Dugru Ramanujganj 744
84 Subhashnagar Ramanujganj 704
85 Jamwantpur Ramanujganj 696
86 Kanchannagar Ramanujganj 679
87 Chargarh Ramanujganj 657
88 Kamalpur Ramanujganj 650
89 Chandanpur Ramanujganj 647
90 Aragahi Ramanujganj 617
91 Shivpur Ramanujganj 605
92 Parhiyadih Ramanujganj 598
93 Annpara Ramanujganj 591
94 Bhawanipur Ramanujganj 586
95 Tikidiri Ramanujganj 523
96 Cherwadih Ramanujganj 508
97 Abadi Ramanujganj 495
98 Uchruwa Ramanujganj 475
99 Chhatarpur Ramanujganj 468
100 Neurganj Ramanujganj 399
101 Datam Ramanujganj 371
102 Surangpan Ramanujganj 338
103 Tendua Ramanujganj 335
104 Dhanpuri Ramanujganj 333
105 Barwadih Ramanujganj 304
106 Bhitarchura Ramanujganj 257
107 Rampur Ramanujganj 252
108 Dhanwar Ramanujganj 162
109 Fulwar Ramanujganj 155
110 Liber Ramanujganj 111
111 Chalkhi Ramanujganj 54
112 Jagdambapur Ramanujganj 42
113 Chainpur Ramanujganj 4
