Villages and Towns of Ramtek Tehsil of District Nagpur, Maharashtra

Ramtek Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nagpur District, Maharashtra India. Ramtek teshil is one of the teshil of Nagpur district Maharashtra. In Ramtek Teshil there are 156 villages and 2 towns. Out of 156 villages in Ramtek teshil in which Nagardhan is most populated village with population of 8235 and least populated village is Chakorda (rithi) having population only 0. There are 2 town in Ramtek sub-district which lies in Ramtek administrative devision. Most populated town in Ramtek Teshil is Kandri (CT) with population of 5099.

Total population of Ramtek teshil is 158643 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Ramtek teshil is 967 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Ramtek teshil is 80.17%.

Census Data of Ramtek Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
158643 967 80.17%

Demographics details of Ramtek Teshil

The population of Ramtek sub district is 158643 people, among them about 80638 are male and 78005 are female. Total number of house holds in Ramtek Teshil is 35249. Total Literates persons are 112932 in which total male literates are 61665 and female literates are 51267. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 17781, among them 9162 are boys and 8619 are girls.

Ramtek Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRamtek
State NameMaharashtra
District NameNagpur
Total Population158643
Total No of House Holds35249
Total Male Population80638
Total Female Population78005
0-6 Age group Total Population17781
0-6 Age group Male Population9162
0-6 Age group Male Population8619
Total Person Literates112932
Total Male Literates61665
Total Male Literates51267
Total Person Illiterates45711
Total Male Illiterates18973
Total Male Illiterates26738
Scheduled Cast Persons18568
Scheduled Cast Males9441
Scheduled Cast Females9127
Scheduled Tribe Persons25725
Scheduled Tribe Males26090
Scheduled Tribe Females25725

Ramtek Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 120969 7576
Population (%) 76.25 % 4.78 %
Male Population 60923 3862
Female Population 60046 3714
Sex Ratio 986 962
Child Population (0-6) 6360 300
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 975 794
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.38% 8.95%
Households in 29281 1834
Literates 91213 6427
Literacy % 84.14% 93.17%
Male Literacy 92.17% 96.15%
Female Literacy 76.01% 90.13%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Ramtek Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 135634 68921 66713 85.5% 68.04%
Muslim 3849 1990 1859 2.43% 2.1%
Christian 375 164 211 0.24% 0.22%
Sikh 90 49 41 0.06% 0.05%
Buddhist 12148 6171 5977 7.66% 6.65%
Jain 319 162 157 0.2% 0.2%
Other religions and persuasions 6037 3058 2979 3.81% 2.84%
Religion not stated 191 123 68 0.12% 0.07%

Workers profile of Ramtek Teshil

Ramtek has 76250 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 46437 male and 29813 female population are working population. Full time workers in Ramtek teshil are 58357 and 17893 are marginal (part time) workers.

Ramtek Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 76250 46437 29813
Main Workers 58357 37978 20379
Main Workers Cultivators 12897 8761 4136
Agriculture Labourer 24256 12904 11352
Household Industries 1216 789 427
Other Workers 19988 15524 4464
Marginal Workers 17893 8459 9434
Non Working Persons 82393 34201 48192

List of Town/City of Ramtek Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Ramtek with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Nagpur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kandri (CT) 5099 1027
2 Ramtek (M Cl) 22310 971

List of villages in Teshil-Ramtek, District-Nagpur, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Nagardhan Ramtek 8235
2 Mansar Ramtek 7139
3 Deolapar Ramtek 4216
4 Parsoda Ramtek 3885
5 Sitalwadi Ramtek 2972
6 Kachurwahi Ramtek 2678
7 Khairi Ramtek 2354
8 Patgowari Ramtek 2252
9 Chichala Ramtek 2201
10 Borda Ramtek 2163
11 Karwahi Ramtek 2066
12 Hiwara(bazar) Ramtek 1899
13 Bhondewada Ramtek 1834
14 Chichda Ramtek 1804
15 Pauni Ramtek 1768
16 Shivani (Bhodaki) Ramtek 1767
17 Bhandar Bodi Ramtek 1600
18 Ajani Ramtek 1543
19 Warghat Ramtek 1520
20 Khumari Ramtek 1518
21 Panchala (BK) Ramtek 1488
22 Musewadi Ramtek 1479
23 Pathrai Ramtek 1463
24 Kawadak Ramtek 1416
25 Wadamba (Malgujari) Ramtek 1399
26 Umri Ramtek 1399
27 Chaugan Ramtek 1378
28 Mahadula Ramtek 1361
29 Wadamba (Rayatwari) Ramtek 1339
30 Guguldoh Ramtek 1330
31 Dahoda Ramtek 1317
32 Tangla Ramtek 1289
33 Belda Ramtek 1277
34 Nawargaon Ramtek 1274
35 Mandri Ramtek 1242
36 Bori Ramtek 1115
37 Bothiya(palora) Ramtek 1071
38 Bhilewada Ramtek 1063
39 Chokhala Ramtek 1049
40 Chargaon Ramtek 1020
41 Zinzariya Ramtek 1013
42 Hiwara Ramtek 1011
43 Hamlapuri Ramtek 993
44 Hetitola (N.V.) Ramtek 972
45 Salai Ramtek 932
46 Bandra Ramtek 928
47 Manapur Ramtek 928
48 Masala Ramtek 890
49 Lohadongari Ramtek 886
50 Lodha Ramtek 850
51 Sawara Ramtek 835
52 Ghoti Ramtek 824
53 Pipriya Ramtek 818
54 Kirnapur Ramtek 808
55 Moudi Ramtek 793
56 Pusda Ramtek 776
57 Dongri Ramtek 776
58 Katta Ramtek 764
59 Hatodi Ramtek 758
60 Bhojapur Ramtek 752
61 Kirnapur Ramtek 733
62 Manegaon Tek Ramtek 725
63 Bondri Ramtek 725
64 Ambazari Ramtek 716
65 Pindkapur Ramtek 711
66 Salaimeta Ramtek 695
67 Pindkapar Ramtek 692
68 Manegaon Ramtek 689
69 Khanora Ramtek 687
70 Sindewani Ramtek 682
71 Asoli Ramtek 677
72 Khodegaon Ramtek 668
73 Pendhari Ramtek 649
74 Tuyapar Ramtek 637
75 Kadbikheda Ramtek 617
76 Sawangi Ramtek 599
77 Maharajpur Ramtek 599
78 Dongartal Ramtek 583
79 Dulara Ramtek 577
80 Sagrampur Ramtek 565
81 Ghoti Ramtek 553
82 Sarakha Ramtek 552
83 Hiwara (bende) Ramtek 540
84 Salai Ramtek 539
85 Fulzari Ramtek 523
86 Pauni Ramtek 522
87 Garra Ramtek 505
88 Sitapur Ramtek 504
89 Nawegaon(kh) Ramtek 501
90 Hiwara Ramtek 490
91 Akola Ramtek 484
92 Navegaon Ramtek 475
93 Ghoti Ramtek 471
94 Lohara Ramtek 464
95 Khandala (kh) Ramtek 463
96 Sillari Ramtek 454
97 Gudegaon Ramtek 440
98 Amgaon Ramtek 437
99 Panchala (KH) Ramtek 434
100 Khidki Ramtek 427
101 Saundani Ramtek 411
102 Sitapur Ramtek 410
103 Kharpada Ramtek 373
104 Junewani Ramtek 372
105 Mangli Ramtek 369
106 Hasapur Ramtek 366
107 Sirpur Ramtek 364
108 Khapa Ramtek 337
109 Chawari Ramtek 330
110 Goreghat Ramtek 324
111 Kamthi Ramtek 316
112 Nahabi Ramtek 313
113 Murda Ramtek 311
114 Chorkhumari Ramtek 299
115 Khursapar Ramtek 298
116 Soneghat Ramtek 294
117 Chorbahuli (mogra) Ramtek 289
118 Usripar Ramtek 268
119 Deoli Ramtek 249
120 Jamuniya Ramtek 243
121 Chorbahuli(fo) Ramtek 234
122 Umri Ramtek 233
123 Chhatrapur Ramtek 231
124 Fulzari (fv) Ramtek 213
125 Shahapur Ramtek 192
126 Bijewada Ramtek 192
127 Mukanapur Ramtek 184
128 Lakhapur Ramtek 177
129 Pipriyapeth (r) Ramtek 177
130 Ramjam Ramtek 160
131 Wadegaon Ramtek 149
132 Minsi (Rithi) Ramtek 126
133 Chargaon Ramtek 113
134 Totaladoh Ramtek 111
135 Chiknapur Ramtek 110
136 Kawalapur Ramtek 105
137 Sonpur Ramtek 99
138 Tuyapar Ramtek 92
139 Murzad Ramtek 83
140 Devhada (r) Ramtek 77
141 Rampuri (r) Ramtek 71
142 Khindsi (R) Ramtek 37
143 Manegaon Ramtek 24
144 Dudhala (R) Ramtek 8
145 Navegaon (R) Ramtek 6
146 Bakhari(r) Ramtek N/A
147 Khirsadi(Rithi) Ramtek N/A
148 Karajghat Ramtek N/A
149 Mohagaon(Rithi) Ramtek N/A
150 Sarra Ramtek N/A
151 Maharapeth (R) Ramtek N/A
152 Navegaon Ramtek N/A
153 Kelapur (R) Ramtek N/A
154 Sivani (Rithi) Ramtek N/A
155 Pachpaoli Ramtek N/A
156 Chakorda (rithi) Ramtek N/A
