Villages and Towns of Rehatgaon Tehsil of District Harda , Madhya Pradesh

Rehatgaon Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Harda District, Madhya Pradesh India. Rehatgaon teshil is one of the teshil of Harda district Madhya Pradesh. In Rehatgaon Teshil there are 118 villages and 0 towns. Out of 118 villages in Rehatgaon teshil in which Rahat Gaon is most populated village with population of 6420 and least populated village is Naranpura having population only 0. There are 0 town in Rehatgaon sub-district which lies in Rehatgaon administrative devision. Most populated town in Rehatgaon Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Rehatgaon teshil is 96032 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Rehatgaon teshil is 955 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Rehatgaon teshil is 65.95%.

Census Data of Rehatgaon Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
96032 955 65.95%

Demographics details of Rehatgaon Teshil

The population of Rehatgaon sub district is 96032 people, among them about 49120 are male and 46912 are female. Total number of house holds in Rehatgaon Teshil is 18285. Total Literates persons are 53009 in which total male literates are 31372 and female literates are 21637. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 15657, among them 8034 are boys and 7623 are girls.

Rehatgaon Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRehatgaon
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameHarda
Total Population96032
Total No of House Holds18285
Total Male Population49120
Total Female Population46912
0-6 Age group Total Population15657
0-6 Age group Male Population8034
0-6 Age group Male Population7623
Total Person Literates53009
Total Male Literates31372
Total Male Literates21637
Total Person Illiterates43023
Total Male Illiterates17748
Total Male Illiterates25275
Scheduled Cast Persons9651
Scheduled Cast Males5044
Scheduled Cast Females4607
Scheduled Tribe Persons24517
Scheduled Tribe Males25014
Scheduled Tribe Females24517

Rehatgaon Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 183147 27714
Population (%) 190.71 % 28.86 %
Male Population 93790 14266
Female Population 89357 13448
Sex Ratio 953 943
Child Population (0-6) 15104 1625
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 942 888
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.01% 12.47%
Households in 40725 6076
Literates 106290 20137
Literacy % 69.1% 83.01%
Male Literacy 80.39% 89.72%
Female Literacy 57.28% 75.95%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Rehatgaon Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 94049 48095 45954 97.94% 64.39%
Muslim 1809 927 882 1.88% 1.42%
Christian 54 31 23 0.06% 0.05%
Sikh 12 7 5 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 3 3 0 0% 0%
Jain 33 19 14 0.03% 0.03%
Other religions and persuasions 8 6 2 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 64 32 32 0.07% 0.04%

Workers profile of Rehatgaon Teshil

Rehatgaon has 42322 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 25834 male and 16488 female population are working population. Full time workers in Rehatgaon teshil are 23504 and 18818 are marginal (part time) workers.

Rehatgaon Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 42322 25834 16488
Main Workers 23504 17001 6503
Main Workers Cultivators 9720 7976 1744
Agriculture Labourer 10660 6490 4170
Household Industries 375 283 92
Other Workers 2749 2252 497
Marginal Workers 18818 8833 9985
Non Working Persons 53710 23286 30424

List of villages in Teshil-Rehatgaon, District-Harda , Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Rahat Gaon Rehatgaon 6420
2 Sodalpur Rehatgaon 5710
3 Nazarpura Rehatgaon 3453
4 Bhadugaon Rehatgaon 2442
5 Temaru Bahar Rehatgaon 2208
6 Phuidi Rehatgaon 2197
7 Dhaulpurkalan Rehatgaon 2076
8 Raja Barari Rehatgaon 1949
9 Pantalai Rehatgaon 1829
10 Rawang Rehatgaon 1743
11 Temagaon Rehatgaon 1735
12 Malegaon Rehatgaon 1712
13 Alampur Rehatgaon 1697
14 Chhindgaon Tamoli Rehatgaon 1695
15 Dudhakachkalan Rehatgaon 1621
16 Jhadbida Rehatgaon 1603
17 Badjhiri Rehatgaon 1481
18 Kachnar Rehatgaon 1443
19 Undrakachchh Rehatgaon 1337
20 Bori Rehatgaon 1317
21 Chandarkhal Rehatgaon 1312
22 Keli Rehatgaon 1292
23 Sohagpur Rehatgaon 1270
24 Sirkamba Rehatgaon 1184
25 Dolariya Rehatgaon 1052
26 Lodhidhana Rehatgaon 1049
27 Kumroom Rehatgaon 1033
28 Sountada Rehatgaon 1025
29 Maniya Khedi Rehatgaon 1008
30 Tega Rehatgaon 1007
31 Banspani Rehatgaon 1003
32 Kasarni Rehatgaon 997
33 Dehariya Rehatgaon 982
34 Kayada Rehatgaon 946
35 Amsagar Rehatgaon 939
36 Pandharmati Rehatgaon 934
37 Chhirpura Rehatgaon 899
38 Khamgaon Rehatgaon 895
39 Bowda Rehatgaon 840
40 Imdrapura Rehatgaon 834
41 Baharagaon Rehatgaon 831
42 Jhirna Rehatgaon 831
43 Bodhi Rehatgaon 820
44 Nimacha Kalan Rehatgaon 819
45 Ratamati Rehatgaon 812
46 Badwani Vangram Rehatgaon 810
47 Gorakhal Rehatgaon 798
48 Nandwa Rehatgaon 788
49 Borpani Rehatgaon 776
50 Gadamod Rehatgaon 761
51 Gohatti Rehatgaon 721
52 Dhangaon Rehatgaon 665
53 Uchabarari Rehatgaon 646
54 Chandiapura Rehatgaon 639
55 Patiyakuan Rehatgaon 639
56 Didamada Rehatgaon 611
57 Kayari Rehatgaon 608
58 Debrabandi Rehatgaon 598
59 Bapcha Rehatgaon 591
60 Sindhkheda Rehatgaon 587
61 Mahukhal Rehatgaon 587
62 Lakhadeh Rehatgaon 585
63 Barudghat Rehatgaon 584
64 Salai Thekedari Rehatgaon 526
65 Churni Rehatgaon 525
66 Bhayli Rehatgaon 520
67 Kapasi Rehatgaon 518
68 Gangradhana Rehatgaon 518
69 Jadkahu Rehatgaon 517
70 Singanpur Rehatgaon 515
71 Banshipura Rehatgaon 500
72 Sigoda Rehatgaon 496
73 Jinwani Rehatgaon 493
74 Dhanpada Rehatgaon 488
75 Junapani Rehatgaon 484
76 Bitiya Rehatgaon 482
77 Uskalli Rehatgaon 475
78 Padwan Rehatgaon 462
79 Keljhiri Rehatgaon 451
80 Javarda Rehatgaon 415
81 Rootwarra Rehatgaon 393
82 Kangaon Rehatgaon 388
83 Ponsadhana Rehatgaon 378
84 Umardha Rehatgaon 372
85 Kalpi Rehatgaon 361
86 Amba Rehatgaon 360
87 Mannasa Rehatgaon 334
88 Lahadpur Rehatgaon 326
89 Jhiri Kheda Rehatgaon 324
90 Nimiygaon Rehatgaon 312
91 Khatama Kheda Rehatgaon 292
92 Bahara Khedi Rehatgaon 251
93 Domra Rehatgaon 205
94 Khumi Rehatgaon 199
95 Jogi Kheda Rehatgaon 191
96 Dong Rehatgaon 186
97 Bheelgaon Rehatgaon 169
98 Gurar Kheda Rehatgaon 139
99 Dokartalai Rehatgaon 52
100 Pipliya (Mafi) Rehatgaon 48
101 Khedikhushal Rehatgaon 24
102 Baliya Khedi Rehatgaon 23
103 Malgaon Khurd Rehatgaon 19
104 Juna Pani Rehatgaon 16
105 Paili Rehatgaon 6
106 Alanpur Rehatgaon 3
107 Isli Rehatgaon N/A
108 Jamghad Rehatgaon N/A
109 Saradpur Rehatgaon N/A
110 Alyagaon Rehatgaon N/A
111 Bahadurpura Rehatgaon N/A
112 Kishana Khedi Rehatgaon N/A
113 Neemanpur Rehatgaon N/A
114 Luchgaon Rehatgaon N/A
115 Sahbedi Rehatgaon N/A
116 Angaon Rehatgaon N/A
117 Ikdalia Rehatgaon N/A
118 Naranpura Rehatgaon N/A
