Villages and Towns of Risod Tehsil of District Washim, Maharashtra

Risod Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Washim District, Maharashtra India. Risod teshil is one of the teshil of Washim district Maharashtra. In Risod Teshil there are 99 villages and 1 towns. Out of 99 villages in Risod teshil in which Rithad is most populated village with population of 5316 and least populated village is Ner having population only 0. There are 1 town in Risod sub-district which lies in Risod administrative devision. Most populated town in Risod Teshil is Risod (M Cl) with population of 34136.

Total population of Risod teshil is 207545 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Risod teshil is 923 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Risod teshil is 81.47%.

Census Data of Risod Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
207545 923 81.47%

Demographics details of Risod Teshil

The population of Risod sub district is 207545 people, among them about 107933 are male and 99612 are female. Total number of house holds in Risod Teshil is 43277. Total Literates persons are 146728 in which total male literates are 83489 and female literates are 63239. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 27437, among them 15022 are boys and 12415 are girls.

Risod Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRisod
State NameMaharashtra
District NameWashim
Total Population207545
Total No of House Holds43277
Total Male Population107933
Total Female Population99612
0-6 Age group Total Population27437
0-6 Age group Male Population15022
0-6 Age group Male Population12415
Total Person Literates146728
Total Male Literates83489
Total Male Literates63239
Total Person Illiterates60817
Total Male Illiterates24444
Total Male Illiterates36373
Scheduled Cast Persons45489
Scheduled Cast Males23282
Scheduled Cast Females22207
Scheduled Tribe Persons4485
Scheduled Tribe Males4718
Scheduled Tribe Females4485

Risod Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 77131 19776
Population (%) 37.16 % 9.53 %
Male Population 39745 9982
Female Population 37386 9794
Sex Ratio 941 981
Child Population (0-6) 4214 992
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 924 974
Child Percentage (0-6) 10.51% 10.17%
Households in 19269 4337
Literates 59120 16187
Literacy % 85.65% 91.12%
Male Literacy 90.43% 93.96%
Female Literacy 80.59% 88.22%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Risod Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 156789 81899 74890 75.54% 62.19%
Muslim 18274 9365 8909 8.8% 6.83%
Christian 281 159 122 0.14% 0.12%
Sikh 62 39 23 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 29875 15181 14694 14.39% 11.34%
Jain 1300 697 603 0.63% 0.61%
Other religions and persuasions 11 8 3 0.01% 0.01%
Religion not stated 953 585 368 0.46% 0.36%

Workers profile of Risod Teshil

Risod has 102322 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 59151 male and 43171 female population are working population. Full time workers in Risod teshil are 91757 and 10565 are marginal (part time) workers.

Risod Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 102322 59151 43171
Main Workers 91757 54457 37300
Main Workers Cultivators 34165 20993 13172
Agriculture Labourer 44250 23321 20929
Household Industries 1266 667 599
Other Workers 12076 9476 2600
Marginal Workers 10565 4694 5871
Non Working Persons 105223 48782 56441

List of Town/City of Risod Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Risod with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Washim is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Risod (M Cl) 34136 934

List of villages in Teshil-Risod, District-Washim, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Rithad Risod 5316
2 Wakad Risod 5215
3 Kenwad Risod 4914
4 Haral Risod 4653
5 Bhar Jahagir Risod 4371
6 Gowardhan Risod 3902
7 ChichambaBhar Risod 3752
8 Kankarwadi Risod 3495
9 Mothegaon Risod 3488
10 Kawatha Kh. Risod 3420
11 Loni Bk. Risod 3381
12 Gobhani. Risod 3323
13 Netanasa Risod 3301
14 Vyad Risod 3271
15 Sawad Risod 3092
16 Mangrul Zanak Risod 2873
17 Yevti Risod 2849
18 Mop Risod 2781
19 Mahagaon Risod 2605
20 Shelu Khadse Risod 2426
21 Mangwadi Risod 2392
22 Chikhali Risod 2366
23 Dhodap Bk. Risod 2246
24 Waghi Kh. Risod 2246
25 Borkhedi Risod 2232
26 Balkhed Risod 2196
27 Asegaon Pen Risod 2146
28 Ekalaspur Risod 2119
29 Nijampur Risod 2117
30 Karda Risod 2115
31 Yevta Risod 2093
32 Nandhana Risod 2073
33 Chichamba Pen Risod 2066
34 Mandwa Risod 2028
35 Pen Bori Risod 2006
36 Lehani Risod 1963
37 Masala Pen Risod 1895
38 Gohagaon Risod 1838
39 Nawali Risod 1811
40 Wanoja Risod 1799
41 Kalamgavhan Risod 1757
42 Koyali Bk. Risod 1750
43 Ghonsarwadi Risod 1724
44 Koyali Bk. Risod 1648
45 Deulgaon Banda Risod 1640
46 Ghota Risod 1555
47 Palaskhed Risod 1554
48 Dapuri Kh Risod 1538
49 Agarwadi Risod 1526
50 Bibkhed Risod 1473
51 Mohjabandi Risod 1462
52 Wadi Raital Risod 1439
53 Morgavhan Risod 1431
54 Jamb Adhav Risod 1406
55 Khadki Sadar Risod 1397
56 Linga Kotwal Risod 1379
57 Wadji Risod 1345
58 Kurha Risod 1333
59 Shelgaon Rajgure Risod 1314
60 Anchal Risod 1307
61 Belkheda Risod 1300
62 Pimpri Sarhad Risod 1290
63 Pedgaon Risod 1281
64 Bhapur Risod 1252
65 Gaundhala Risod 1248
66 Dhodap Kh. Risod 1224
67 Hiwar Pen Risod 1159
68 Ganeshpur Risod 1138
69 Pardi Tikhe Risod 1100
70 Keshavnagar Risod 1074
71 Jogeshwari Risod 1072
72 Jawala Risod 1067
73 Kinkhed Risod 1058
74 Karanji Risod 971
75 Degaon Risod 944
76 Kuksa Risod 930
77 Mohaja Ingole Risod 873
78 Bhokarkhed Risod 852
79 Koyali Kh. Risod 823
80 Loni Kh. Risod 815
81 Asola Risod 747
82 Chakoli Risod 728
83 Wadi Wakad Risod 717
84 Ganeshpur Risod 695
85 Warud Tohpha Risod 670
86 Koyali Kh. Risod 647
87 Nagzari Risod 611
88 Khadki Dhangare Risod 539
89 Pachamba Risod 490
90 Pimparkhed Risod 437
91 Kanheri Risod 348
92 Ukirkhed Risod 329
93 Tapowan Risod 262
94 Jaikhed Risod 241
95 Tandulwadi Risod 208
96 Sarapkhed Risod 116
97 Pantapur Risod N/A
98 Patwad Risod N/A
99 Ner Risod N/A
