Villages and Towns of Rithi Tehsil of District Katni , Madhya Pradesh

Rithi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Katni District, Madhya Pradesh India. Rithi teshil is one of the teshil of Katni district Madhya Pradesh. In Rithi Teshil there are 116 villages and 0 towns. Out of 116 villages in Rithi teshil in which Bilhari is most populated village with population of 7278 and least populated village is Basadi having population only 0. There are 0 town in Rithi sub-district which lies in Rithi administrative devision. Most populated town in Rithi Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Rithi teshil is 127211 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Rithi teshil is 965 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Rithi teshil is 67.51%.

Census Data of Rithi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
127211 965 67.51%

Demographics details of Rithi Teshil

The population of Rithi sub district is 127211 people, among them about 64736 are male and 62475 are female. Total number of house holds in Rithi Teshil is 28937. Total Literates persons are 72100 in which total male literates are 43049 and female literates are 29051. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 20416, among them 10525 are boys and 9891 are girls.

Rithi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameRithi
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameKatni
Total Population127211
Total No of House Holds28937
Total Male Population64736
Total Female Population62475
0-6 Age group Total Population20416
0-6 Age group Male Population10525
0-6 Age group Male Population9891
Total Person Literates72100
Total Male Literates43049
Total Male Literates29051
Total Person Illiterates55111
Total Male Illiterates21687
Total Male Illiterates33424
Scheduled Cast Persons18007
Scheduled Cast Males9096
Scheduled Cast Females8911
Scheduled Tribe Persons16152
Scheduled Tribe Males16447
Scheduled Tribe Females16152

Rithi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 168055 28074
Population (%) 132.11 % 22.07 %
Male Population 87353 14527
Female Population 80702 13547
Sex Ratio 924 933
Child Population (0-6) 11304 1500
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 897 887
Child Percentage (0-6) 12.76% 11.37%
Households in 41529 6214
Literates 112491 21798
Literacy % 76.73% 87.61%
Male Literacy 85.27% 92.68%
Female Literacy 67.52% 82.2%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Rithi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 122735 62488 60247 96.48% 64.7%
Muslim 3076 1522 1554 2.42% 1.85%
Christian 170 99 71 0.13% 0.12%
Sikh 13 9 4 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 15 7 8 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 712 367 345 0.56% 0.56%
Other religions and persuasions 253 125 128 0.2% 0.14%
Religion not stated 237 119 118 0.19% 0.13%

Workers profile of Rithi Teshil

Rithi has 53937 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 33462 male and 20475 female population are working population. Full time workers in Rithi teshil are 26025 and 27912 are marginal (part time) workers.

Rithi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 53937 33462 20475
Main Workers 26025 18876 7149
Main Workers Cultivators 9117 7149 1968
Agriculture Labourer 9588 6197 3391
Household Industries 1214 736 478
Other Workers 6106 4794 1312
Marginal Workers 27912 14586 13326
Non Working Persons 73274 31274 42000

List of villages in Teshil-Rithi, District-Katni , Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bilhari Rithi 7278
2 Badgaon Rithi 5345
3 Rithi Rithi 3835
4 Badkhera Rithi 3681
5 Amgawan Rithi 3606
6 Hardwara Rithi 2722
7 Gurji Kalan Rithi 2693
8 Godana Rithi 2442
9 Raipura Rithi 2376
10 Kharkhari Rithi 2235
11 Pipariya Rithi 2175
12 Nitarra Rithi 2140
13 Deori Kalan Rithi 2098
14 Biruhali Rithi 2026
15 Muhas Rithi 2024
16 Karhiya Rithi 1992
17 Khamhariya Rithi 1971
18 Deogaon Rithi 1955
19 Imlaj Rithi 1801
20 Dang Rithi 1783
21 Barji Rithi 1749
22 Khamhariya Rithi 1731
23 Tilgawan Rithi 1640
24 Badagaon Rithi 1637
25 Saida Rithi 1589
26 Bharatpur Rithi 1562
27 Hathkuri Rithi 1544
28 Nayakheda Rithi 1502
29 Simra Rithi 1496
30 Barhata Rithi 1495
31 Kaina Rithi 1485
32 Karhiya Rithi 1484
33 Baklehata Rithi 1473
34 Rudmud Rithi 1448
35 Simdari Rithi 1437
36 Pondi Rithi 1437
37 Kudri Rithi 1367
38 Ghoghra Rithi 1360
39 Semara (Simra) Rithi 1353
40 Ghudhar Rithi 1350
41 Umariya Rithi 1272
42 Tihkari Rithi 1246
43 Patauhan (Patauha) Rithi 1243
44 Jamuniya Rithi 1173
45 Thanoura Rithi 1118
46 Kathoutiya Rithi 1051
47 Tighara Kalan Rithi 1045
48 Kaimori Rithi 994
49 Boodha Rithi 974
50 Lalpura Rithi 965
51 Bandha Rithi 941
52 Murawal Rithi 914
53 Bheda Rithi 876
54 Madhiya Rithi 872
55 Ghinauchi Rithi 868
56 Patehara Rithi 856
57 Sagodi Rithi 826
58 Dhudhari Rithi 795
59 Murpar Rithi 794
60 Chargawan Rithi 784
61 Chiruhala Rithi 784
62 Khamh Rithi 784
63 Baryarpur Rithi 757
64 Ghaniya Rithi 749
65 Deori Khurd Rithi 733
66 Basudha Rithi 729
67 Andiya Rithi 729
68 Ghudahri Rithi 705
69 Kumharwara Rithi 703
70 Majhgawan Rithi 667
71 Jalasoor Rithi 652
72 Majhgawan Rithi 647
73 Bhadanpur Rithi 640
74 Pali Rithi 619
75 Sugawan Rithi 595
76 Imaliya Rithi 593
77 Chikhla Rithi 576
78 Nauwapati Rithi 567
79 Dharampura Rithi 520
80 Magardha Rithi 513
81 Lathpahadi Rithi 510
82 Naigawan Rithi 490
83 Kupiya Rithi 483
84 Madhadeori Rithi 477
85 Madhiya Rithi 466
86 Tighara Khurd Rithi 450
87 Karhiya Khurd Rithi 448
88 Jhari Kheda Rithi 405
89 Gudaha Bandha Rithi 374
90 Gurji Khurd Rithi 321
91 Imaliya Rithi 315
92 Kachhar Kheda Rithi 312
93 Mamar Rithi 307
94 Mamarpati Rithi 283
95 Badhaiya Khera Rithi 275
96 Sookha Rithi 265
97 Khusra Rithi 233
98 Ghunghachi Rithi 223
99 Kanki Rithi 221
100 Raipura Rithi 208
101 Chikhala Rithi 197
102 Kudai Rithi 168
103 Rampura Rithi 165
104 Pipariya Rithi 126
105 Ahirgawan Rithi 80
106 Naigawan Rithi 56
107 Bargawan Rithi 48
108 Behargawan Rithi 44
109 Karitalai Rithi 32
110 Mahgawan Rithi 19
111 Rajpura Rithi 17
112 Dhusarpur Rithi 7
113 Dhaursi Rithi N/A
114 Jaitpuri Rithi N/A
115 Jhunki Rithi N/A
116 Basadi Rithi N/A
