Villages and Towns of Sandur Tehsil of District Bellary, Karnataka

Sandur Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bellary District, Karnataka India. Sandur teshil is one of the teshil of Bellary district Karnataka. In Sandur Teshil there are 87 villages and 4 towns. Out of 87 villages in Sandur teshil in which Daroji is most populated village with population of 10993 and least populated village is Hanumanahalli having population only 0. There are 4 town in Sandur sub-district which lies in Sandur administrative devision. Most populated town in Sandur Teshil is Donimalai Township (CT) with population of 6672.

Total population of Sandur teshil is 260213 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Sandur teshil is 941 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Sandur teshil is 66.81%.

Census Data of Sandur Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
260213 941 66.81%

Demographics details of Sandur Teshil

The population of Sandur sub district is 260213 people, among them about 134034 are male and 126179 are female. Total number of house holds in Sandur Teshil is 52067. Total Literates persons are 146508 in which total male literates are 86772 and female literates are 59736. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 40915, among them 20804 are boys and 20111 are girls.

Sandur Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSandur
State NameKarnataka
District NameBellary
Total Population260213
Total No of House Holds52067
Total Male Population134034
Total Female Population126179
0-6 Age group Total Population40915
0-6 Age group Male Population20804
0-6 Age group Male Population20111
Total Person Literates146508
Total Male Literates86772
Total Male Literates59736
Total Person Illiterates113705
Total Male Illiterates47262
Total Male Illiterates66443
Scheduled Cast Persons46411
Scheduled Cast Males23265
Scheduled Cast Females23146
Scheduled Tribe Persons33748
Scheduled Tribe Males34441
Scheduled Tribe Females33748

Sandur Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 191628 34155
Population (%) 73.64 % 13.13 %
Male Population 95485 17318
Female Population 96143 16837
Sex Ratio 1007 972
Child Population (0-6) 9133 1875
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 930 928
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.2% 11.41%
Households in 47648 7911
Literates 114644 25666
Literacy % 65.89% 84.82%
Male Literacy 76.27% 89.09%
Female Literacy 55.65% 80.46%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Sandur Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 228401 117445 110956 87.77% 58.06%
Muslim 29728 15473 14255 11.42% 8.03%
Christian 1464 769 695 0.56% 0.52%
Sikh 191 114 77 0.07% 0.06%
Buddhist 37 19 18 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 220 110 110 0.08% 0.08%
Other religions and persuasions 6 6 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 166 98 68 0.06% 0.04%

Workers profile of Sandur Teshil

Sandur has 108640 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 75375 male and 33265 female population are working population. Full time workers in Sandur teshil are 91907 and 16733 are marginal (part time) workers.

Sandur Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 108640 75375 33265
Main Workers 91907 68237 23670
Main Workers Cultivators 25202 18286 6916
Agriculture Labourer 15662 7081 8581
Household Industries 1195 849 346
Other Workers 49848 42021 7827
Marginal Workers 16733 7138 9595
Non Working Persons 151573 58659 92914

List of Town/City of Sandur Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Sandur with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bellary is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Donimalai Township (CT) 6672 936
2 Sandur (TMC) 37431 955
3 Kurekuppa (CT) 22560 810
4 Vaddu (CT) 12453 770

List of villages in Teshil-Sandur , District-Bellary, Karnataka as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Daroji Sandur 10993
2 Toranagal Sandur 10453
3 Chornur Sandur 7421
4 Bandri Sandur 7106
5 Krishnanagar Sandur 7027
6 Yeswanthanagar Sandur 6847
7 Taranagar Sandur 6722
8 Bhujanganagar Sandur 5535
9 Suseelnagar Sandur 4977
10 Talur Sandur 4694
11 Hirekeriyaginahalli Sandur 4003
12 Bommagatta Sandur 3946
13 Agrahara Sandur 3930
14 Deogiri Sandur 3606
15 Sovenahalli Sandur 3577
16 Yerriahanahalli Sandur 3472
17 Nidugurthi Sandur 3278
18 Antapur Sandur 3225
19 Vittalapur Sandur 2875
20 Dowlatpur Sandur 2764
21 Jaisingapur Sandur 2714
22 Rajapur Sandur 2696
23 Kalingeri Sandur 2679
24 Devaramallapur Sandur 2609
25 Ankammanahal Sandur 2462
26 Mallapura 72 Sandur 2456
27 Selieppanahalli Sandur 2397
28 Narasingapur Sandur 2291
29 Chikkakeriyaginahalli Sandur 2271
30 Kodalu Sandur 2056
31 Bannihatti Sandur 2016
32 Shro.Basapur Sandur 1978
33 Gollalingammanahalli Sandur 1969
34 Gundlahalli Sandur 1955
35 Nagalapur Sandur 1932
36 Kanakapur .B.C. Sandur 1796
37 Ubbalagundi Sandur 1713
38 Hulikunta 73 Sandur 1650
39 Joga Sandur 1642
40 Lakkalahalli Sandur 1590
41 Karthikeshwar Sandur 1589
42 Swamy Halli Sandur 1486
43 Siddapur Sandur 1468
44 Lingadahalli Sandur 1467
45 Yeradammanahalli Sandur 1466
46 Chikkantapur Sandur 1449
47 Metriki Sandur 1427
48 Thumati Sandur 1425
49 Jiginahalli Sandur 1417
50 Muraripur Sandur 1410
51 Ranjitpur Sandur 1375
52 Tonisigeri Sandur 1286
53 Mothalakunta Sandur 1190
54 Malapur Sandur 1155
55 Vittalnagar Sandur 1109
56 Genatikatte Sandur 1085
57 Narayanapur Sandur 1008
58 Somalapur Sandur 863
59 Gangalapur Sandur 812
60 Shro.Oblapur Sandur 798
61 Thippanamaradi Sandur 757
62 Shro.Gangalapur Sandur 736
63 Devarabudenahalli Sandur 647
64 Yerabanahalli Sandur 628
65 Ramasagar Sandur 552
66 Gowripur Sandur 532
67 Thimlapur Sandur 519
68 Rampur Sandur 506
69 55 Mallapura Sandur 473
70 Avinamadugu Sandur 447
71 Ramgad Sandur 271
72 Marutala Sandur 205
73 Emmihatti Sandur 110
74 Jodibommiahnahalli Sandur 40
75 Sankarapur Sandur 37
76 Gowripur Sandur 29
77 Ramanmalai Block (F) Sandur N/A
78 North Eastern Block(F) Sandur N/A
79 Donimalai (F) Sandur N/A
80 Swamymalai Block (F) Sandur N/A
81 Shro.Thimmavvanahalli Sandur N/A
82 Jodikasinayakanahalli Sandur N/A
83 Radhanagar Sandur N/A
84 Musinayakanahalli Sandur N/A
85 Appalapur Sandur N/A
86 Ayyanahalli Sandur N/A
87 Hanumanahalli Sandur N/A
