Villages and Towns of Seondha Tehsil of District Datia, Madhya Pradesh

Seondha Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Datia District, Madhya Pradesh India. Seondha teshil is one of the teshil of Datia district Madhya Pradesh. In Seondha Teshil there are 110 villages and 1 towns. Out of 110 villages in Seondha teshil in which Tharet is most populated village with population of 5920 and least populated village is Ramnehar having population only 0. There are 1 town in Seondha sub-district which lies in Seondha administrative devision. Most populated town in Seondha Teshil is Seondha (NP) with population of 23140.

Total population of Seondha teshil is 116232 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Seondha teshil is 844 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Seondha teshil is 69.09%.

Census Data of Seondha Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
116232 844 69.09%

Demographics details of Seondha Teshil

The population of Seondha sub district is 116232 people, among them about 63017 are male and 53215 are female. Total number of house holds in Seondha Teshil is 22505. Total Literates persons are 68837 in which total male literates are 43704 and female literates are 25133. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 16599, among them 9115 are boys and 7484 are girls.

Seondha Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSeondha
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameDatia
Total Population116232
Total No of House Holds22505
Total Male Population63017
Total Female Population53215
0-6 Age group Total Population16599
0-6 Age group Male Population9115
0-6 Age group Male Population7484
Total Person Literates68837
Total Male Literates43704
Total Male Literates25133
Total Person Illiterates47395
Total Male Illiterates19313
Total Male Illiterates28082
Scheduled Cast Persons23959
Scheduled Cast Males12946
Scheduled Cast Females11013
Scheduled Tribe Persons318
Scheduled Tribe Males364
Scheduled Tribe Females318

Seondha Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 35847 11511
Population (%) 30.84 % 9.9 %
Male Population 19115 6076
Female Population 16732 5435
Sex Ratio 875 895
Child Population (0-6) 3036 779
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 859 904
Child Percentage (0-6) 15.74% 14.26%
Households in 7216 2409
Literates 18702 7004
Literacy % 61.92% 70.96%
Male Literacy 74.44% 80.8%
Female Literacy 47.66% 59.94%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Seondha Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 111352 60421 50931 95.8% 66.32%
Muslim 4330 2297 2033 3.73% 2.41%
Christian 35 19 16 0.03% 0.03%
Sikh 40 25 15 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 378 201 177 0.33% 0.25%
Jain 28 15 13 0.02% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 0 0 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 69 39 30 0.06% 0.03%

Workers profile of Seondha Teshil

Seondha has 43958 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 33869 male and 10089 female population are working population. Full time workers in Seondha teshil are 35782 and 8176 are marginal (part time) workers.

Seondha Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 43958 33869 10089
Main Workers 35782 30204 5578
Main Workers Cultivators 19741 17644 2097
Agriculture Labourer 9367 7038 2329
Household Industries 430 333 97
Other Workers 6244 5189 1055
Marginal Workers 8176 3665 4511
Non Working Persons 72274 29148 43126

List of Town/City of Seondha Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Seondha with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Datia is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Seondha (NP) 23140 863

List of villages in Teshil-Seondha, District-Datia, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tharet Seondha 5920
2 Diguwan Seondha 3627
3 Bhagupura Seondha 3377
4 Dirolipar Seondha 3175
5 Rampurakhurd Seondha 2850
6 Gyara Seondha 2634
7 Ruhera Seondha 2380
8 Magrol Seondha 2279
9 Atra Seondha 2141
10 Cheena Seondha 2126
11 Debhai Seondha 2091
12 Daryaopur Seondha 2055
13 Kaserua Seondha 2049
14 Marsenibuzurg Seondha 1892
15 Berchha Seondha 1876
16 Gumanpura Seondha 1818
17 Nahla Seondha 1814
18 Todapahad Seondha 1685
19 Badokhari Seondha 1659
20 Basturi Seondha 1652
21 Baghwali Seondha 1623
22 Atreta Seondha 1502
23 Ingui Seondha 1484
24 Sirsa Seondha 1477
25 Neemdanda Seondha 1284
26 Hetampura Seondha 1255
27 Khamroli Seondha 1219
28 Meoli Seondha 1212
29 Dabhni Seondha 1172
30 Budhera Seondha 1150
31 Pahadi Seondha 1071
32 Mahewa Seondha 1036
33 Marsenikhurd Seondha 975
34 Parsondabaman Seondha 958
35 Maliyapura Seondha 887
36 Bhowaibuzurg Seondha 815
37 Dhorra Seondha 804
38 Basaijeev Seondha 804
39 Jasawali Seondha 749
40 Itonda Seondha 702
41 Maharoli Seondha 701
42 Porsakhurd Seondha 695
43 Rubaha Seondha 684
44 Bisor Seondha 674
45 Deopura Seondha 671
46 Maharajpura Seondha 668
47 Bhikampura Seondha 631
48 Bijora Seondha 624
49 Jorital Seondha 618
50 Raniyapura Seondha 589
51 Amra Seondha 571
52 Roora Seondha 552
53 Madanpura Seondha 544
54 Alampurkhurd Seondha 544
55 Raipurabuzurg Seondha 536
56 Khanjapura Seondha 529
57 Kitana Seondha 514
58 Rampurabuzurg Seondha 506
59 Dirolidang Seondha 483
60 Rajapura Seondha 475
61 Mohanpura Seondha 465
62 Bahadurpur Seondha 464
63 Dharampura Seondha 460
64 Changpura Seondha 459
65 Bidora Seondha 453
66 Jara Seondha 445
67 Repoli Seondha 422
68 Berkheda Seondha 417
69 Gora Seondha 416
70 Rathawali Seondha 391
71 Dhorri Seondha 384
72 Jaswantnagar Seondha 359
73 Charokhara Seondha 358
74 Gandhigram Seondha 357
75 Teda Seondha 341
76 Karila Seondha 322
77 Kheribhat Seondha 316
78 Beerpura Seondha 315
79 Basaimalak Seondha 294
80 Tuki Seondha 283
81 Lokendrapur Seondha 252
82 Dongarpur Seondha 252
83 Nandpur Seondha 239
84 Gopalpura Seondha 210
85 Silotarpura Seondha 203
86 Bhowaikhurd Seondha 186
87 Kunwarpura Seondha 171
88 Sikroli Seondha 157
89 Vijaypura Seondha 150
90 Bhensai Seondha 148
91 Vyaspura Seondha 121
92 Chitai Seondha 79
93 Roor Seondha 74
94 Madikhera Seondha 15
95 Medpura Seondha 14
96 Pali Seondha 12
97 Balampura Seondha N/A
98 Sad Seondha N/A
99 Chanderia Seondha N/A
100 Bareja (Chak) Seondha N/A
101 Sitapur Seondha N/A
102 Nanat Seondha N/A
103 Dangseondha Seondha N/A
104 Dangkachhar Seondha N/A
105 Mubarikpura Seondha N/A
106 Shikarpura Seondha N/A
107 Sultanpur Seondha N/A
108 Adlispura Seondha N/A
109 Raipurakhurd Seondha N/A
110 Ramnehar Seondha N/A
