Shirur-Anantpal Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Latur District, Maharashtra India. Shirur-Anantpal teshil is one of the teshil of Latur district Maharashtra. In Shirur-Anantpal Teshil there are 115 villages and 0 towns. Out of 115 villages in Shirur-Anantpal teshil in which Shikrapur is most populated village with population of 19374 and least populated village is Shastabad having population only 403. There are 0 town in Shirur-Anantpal sub-district which lies in Shirur-Anantpal administrative devision. Most populated town in Shirur-Anantpal Teshil is with population of N/A.
Total population of Shirur-Anantpal teshil is 83528 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Shirur-Anantpal teshil is 947 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Shirur-Anantpal teshil is 75.81%.
Census Data of Shirur-Anantpal Teshil, India --Census 2011
Population | Sex Ratio | Literacy |
83528 | 947 | 75.81% |
Demographics details of Shirur-Anantpal Teshil
The population of Shirur-Anantpal sub district is 83528 people, among them about 42904 are male and 40624 are female. Total number of house holds in Shirur-Anantpal Teshil is 16468. Total Literates persons are 55185 in which total male literates are 31157 and female literates are 24028. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 10737, among them 5640 are boys and 5097 are girls.
Shirur-Anantpal Taluk Census 2011 Data
Description | Census 2011 Data |
Sub District Name | Shirur-Anantpal |
State Name | Maharashtra |
District Name | Latur |
Total Population | 83528 |
Total No of House Holds | 16468 |
Total Male Population | 42904 |
Total Female Population | 40624 |
0-6 Age group Total Population | 10737 |
0-6 Age group Male Population | 5640 |
0-6 Age group Male Population | 5097 |
Total Person Literates | 55185 |
Total Male Literates | 31157 |
Total Male Literates | 24028 |
Total Person Illiterates | 28343 |
Total Male Illiterates | 11747 |
Total Male Illiterates | 16596 |
Scheduled Cast Persons | 18772 |
Scheduled Cast Males | 9680 |
Scheduled Cast Females | 9092 |
Scheduled Tribe Persons | 1486 |
Scheduled Tribe Males | 1567 |
Scheduled Tribe Females | 1486 |
Shirur-Anantpal Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data
Description | Rural | Urban |
Total Population | 231290 | 23199 |
Population (%) | 276.9 % | 27.77 % |
Male Population | 120795 | 11905 |
Female Population | 110495 | 11294 |
Sex Ratio | 915 | 949 |
Child Population (0-6) | 15331 | 1269 |
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) | 847 | 864 |
Child Percentage (0-6) | 12.24% | 11.8% |
Households in | 49017 | 4702 |
Literates | 150944 | 17793 |
Literacy % | 74.37% | 86.96% |
Male Literacy | 82.99% | 92.3% |
Female Literacy | 65.04% | 81.41% |
Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Shirur-Anantpal Teshil
Religion | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population | Population % | Literacy |
Hindu | 72599 | 37316 | 35283 | 86.92% | 66.47% |
Muslim | 8310 | 4228 | 4082 | 9.95% | 7.1% |
Christian | 53 | 27 | 26 | 0.06% | 0.05% |
Sikh | 19 | 10 | 9 | 0.02% | 0.01% |
Buddhist | 2025 | 1043 | 982 | 2.42% | 1.66% |
Jain | 206 | 109 | 97 | 0.25% | 0.23% |
Other religions and persuasions | 8 | 6 | 2 | 0.01% | 0.01% |
Religion not stated | 308 | 165 | 143 | 0.37% | 0.28% |
Workers profile of Shirur-Anantpal Teshil
Shirur-Anantpal has 40190 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 23767 male and 16423 female population are working population. Full time workers in Shirur-Anantpal teshil are 36805 and 3385 are marginal (part time) workers.
Shirur-Anantpal Working Population ---Census 2011
Total | Male | Female | |
Total Workers | 40190 | 23767 | 16423 |
Main Workers | 36805 | 22499 | 14306 |
Main Workers Cultivators | 14826 | 9494 | 5332 |
Agriculture Labourer | 16814 | 9104 | 7710 |
Household Industries | 668 | 357 | 311 |
Other Workers | 4497 | 3544 | 953 |
Marginal Workers | 3385 | 1268 | 2117 |
Non Working Persons | 43338 | 19137 | 24201 |
List of villages in Teshil-Shirur-Anantpal, District-Latur, Maharashtra as per Census 2011
# | Village | Teshil | Population |
1 | Shikrapur | Shirur | 19374 |
2 | Talegaon Dhamdhere | Shirur | 15393 |
3 | Ranjangaon Ganpati | Shirur | 13427 |
4 | Mandavgan Farata | Shirur | 9543 |
5 | Nhavara | Shirur | 7429 |
6 | Kawathe | Shirur | 7184 |
7 | Shirur | Shirur | 6646 |
8 | Vadgaon Rasai | Shirur | 6383 |
9 | Takali Haji | Shirur | 5952 |
10 | Wadhu Bk. | Shirur | 5700 |
11 | Inamgaon | Shirur | 5311 |
12 | Karegaon | Shirur | 5257 |
13 | Karandi | Shirur | 5248 |
14 | Kendur | Shirur | 4864 |
15 | Nimone | Shirur | 4862 |
16 | Nimgaon Mhalungi | Shirur | 4784 |
17 | Malthan | Shirur | 4714 |
18 | Pimparkhed | Shirur | 4318 |
19 | Ranjangaon Sandas | Shirur | 4096 |
20 | Kanhur mesai | Shirur | 4028 |
21 | Savindane | Shirur | 3996 |
22 | Dhamari | Shirur | 3909 |
23 | Shirasgaon Kata | Shirur | 3883 |
24 | Pabal | Shirur | 3857 |
25 | Karade | Shirur | 3638 |
26 | Ambale | Shirur | 3627 |
27 | Annapur | Shirur | 3516 |
28 | Jambut | Shirur | 3448 |
29 | Tandali | Shirur | 3411 |
30 | Nagargaon | Shirur | 3395 |
31 | Pimpale Jagtap | Shirur | 3378 |
32 | Vitthalwadi | Shirur | 3256 |
33 | Alegaon Paga | Shirur | 3183 |
34 | Kondhapuri | Shirur | 3091 |
35 | Uralgaon | Shirur | 3014 |
36 | Tardobachiwadi | Shirur | 3010 |
37 | Dhok Sangavi | Shirur | 2987 |
38 | Takali Bhima | Shirur | 2885 |
39 | Jategaon Bk. | Shirur | 2787 |
40 | Kasari | Shirur | 2659 |
41 | Mukhai | Shirur | 2635 |
42 | Sadalgaon | Shirur | 2635 |
43 | Gunat | Shirur | 2613 |
44 | Ganegaon Dumala | Shirur | 2512 |
45 | Nirvi | Shirur | 2488 |
46 | Ganegaon Khalsa | Shirur | 2327 |
47 | Sone Sangavi | Shirur | 2290 |
48 | Saradwadi | Shirur | 2270 |
49 | Golegaon | Shirur | 2244 |
50 | Hivare | Shirur | 2126 |
51 | Waghale | Shirur | 2111 |
52 | Vadner Kh. | Shirur | 2107 |
53 | Chinchani | Shirur | 2107 |
54 | Amdabad | Shirur | 2074 |
55 | Pimpale Khalsa | Shirur | 2010 |
56 | Dhanore | Shirur | 1981 |
57 | Pimpalsuti | Shirur | 1948 |
58 | Wajewadi | Shirur | 1884 |
59 | Andhalgaon | Shirur | 1848 |
60 | Kohakdewadi | Shirur | 1837 |
61 | Jategaon Kh. | Shirur | 1835 |
62 | Khandale | Shirur | 1831 |
63 | Bambhulsar Bk. | Shirur | 1805 |
64 | Babhulsar Kh. | Shirur | 1792 |
65 | Nimgaon Dude | Shirur | 1791 |
66 | Chandoh | Shirur | 1741 |
67 | Chincholi | Shirur | 1698 |
68 | Nimgaon Bhogi | Shirur | 1645 |
69 | Bhambarde | Shirur | 1644 |
70 | Kardilwadi | Shirur | 1634 |
71 | Karanjawane | Shirur | 1589 |
72 | Thapewadi Pimpalwadi | Shirur | 1559 |
73 | Shindodi | Shirur | 1444 |
74 | Chavhanwadi | Shirur | 1442 |
75 | Mahadeo Wadi | Shirur | 1432 |
76 | Varude | Shirur | 1431 |
77 | Fakate | Shirur | 1426 |
78 | Dingrajwadi | Shirur | 1417 |
79 | Kuruli | Shirur | 1388 |
80 | Apti | Shirur | 1378 |
81 | Munjalwadi | Shirur | 1366 |
82 | Dahiwadi | Shirur | 1356 |
83 | Malwadi | Shirur | 1281 |
84 | Futanwadi Akharimal | Shirur | 1264 |
85 | Khaire Nagad | Shirur | 1261 |
86 | Darekarwadi | Shirur | 1216 |
87 | Faradwadi | Shirur | 1216 |
88 | Parodi | Shirur | 1201 |
89 | Burunjwadi | Shirur | 1184 |
90 | Mhase Bk. | Shirur | 1177 |
91 | Kathapur Kh. | Shirur | 1155 |
92 | Shingadwadi | Shirur | 1093 |
93 | Ravadewadi | Shirur | 1090 |
94 | Dongargan | Shirur | 1079 |
95 | Saradwadi | Shirur | 1071 |
96 | Lakhewadi | Shirur | 1022 |
97 | Pimpari Dumala | Shirur | 1010 |
98 | Arangaon | Shirur | 1010 |
99 | Sawlewadi | Shirur | 997 |
100 | Kolgaon Dolas | Shirur | 967 |
101 | Khairewadi | Shirur | 965 |
102 | Midgulwadi | Shirur | 926 |
103 | Choudhar Bend | Shirur | 902 |
104 | Rautwadi | Shirur | 889 |
105 | Zodagewadi | Shirur | 856 |
106 | Parhadwadi | Shirur | 840 |
107 | Thitewadi | Shirur | 827 |
108 | Rakshewadi | Shirur | 790 |
109 | Sukrewadi | Shirur | 747 |
110 | Dhumalwadi | Shirur | 721 |
111 | Malwadi Agarkarwadi | Shirur | 642 |
112 | Motewadi | Shirur | 610 |
113 | Echakewadi | Shirur | 604 |
114 | Shivtakrar Mahalungi | Shirur | 494 |
115 | Shastabad | Shirur | 403 |