Villages and Towns of Sikandrabad Tehsil of District Bulandshahr , Uttar Pradesh

Sikandrabad Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Bulandshahr District, Uttar Pradesh India. Sikandrabad teshil is one of the teshil of Bulandshahr district Uttar Pradesh. In Sikandrabad Teshil there are 140 villages and 2 towns. Out of 140 villages in Sikandrabad teshil in which Sikandrabad Rural is most populated village with population of 22794 and least populated village is Mohammadabad having population only 0. There are 2 town in Sikandrabad sub-district which lies in Sikandrabad administrative devision. Most populated town in Sikandrabad Teshil is Kakod (NP) with population of 9213.

Total population of Sikandrabad teshil is 385099 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Sikandrabad teshil is 885 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Sikandrabad teshil is 71.35%.

Census Data of Sikandrabad Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
385099 885 71.35%

Demographics details of Sikandrabad Teshil

The population of Sikandrabad sub district is 385099 people, among them about 204316 are male and 180783 are female. Total number of house holds in Sikandrabad Teshil is 64149. Total Literates persons are 230166 in which total male literates are 141328 and female literates are 88838. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 62533, among them 34050 are boys and 28483 are girls.

Sikandrabad Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSikandrabad
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameBulandshahr
Total Population385099
Total No of House Holds64149
Total Male Population204316
Total Female Population180783
0-6 Age group Total Population62533
0-6 Age group Male Population34050
0-6 Age group Male Population28483
Total Person Literates230166
Total Male Literates141328
Total Male Literates88838
Total Person Illiterates154933
Total Male Illiterates62988
Total Male Illiterates91945
Scheduled Cast Persons81522
Scheduled Cast Males43323
Scheduled Cast Females38199
Scheduled Tribe Persons1
Scheduled Tribe Males1
Scheduled Tribe Females1

Sikandrabad Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 751904 1058277
Population (%) 195.25 % 274.81 %
Male Population 400051 559193
Female Population 351853 499084
Sex Ratio 880 893
Child Population (0-6) 65826 69551
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 880 885
Child Percentage (0-6) 16.46% 14%
Households in 126562 178647
Literates 428498 621287
Literacy % 68.22% 68.26%
Male Literacy 79.87% 73.83%
Female Literacy 54.97% 62.03%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Sikandrabad Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 293954 157029 136925 76.33% 58.5%
Muslim 89557 46452 43105 23.26% 12.52%
Christian 343 173 170 0.09% 0.06%
Sikh 131 75 56 0.03% 0.03%
Buddhist 54 29 25 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 688 363 325 0.18% 0.19%
Other religions and persuasions 2 2 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 370 193 177 0.1% 0.05%

Workers profile of Sikandrabad Teshil

Sikandrabad has 118459 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 96804 male and 21655 female population are working population. Full time workers in Sikandrabad teshil are 95517 and 22942 are marginal (part time) workers.

Sikandrabad Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 118459 96804 21655
Main Workers 95517 83688 11829
Main Workers Cultivators 27737 24985 2752
Agriculture Labourer 12907 10505 2402
Household Industries 5422 4096 1326
Other Workers 49451 44102 5349
Marginal Workers 22942 13116 9826
Non Working Persons 266640 107512 159128

List of Town/City of Sikandrabad Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Sikandrabad with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Bulandshahr is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Kakod (NP) 9213 884
2 Sikandrabad (NPP) 81028 922

List of villages in Teshil-Sikandrabad, District-Bulandshahr , Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Sikandrabad Rural Sikandrabad 22794
2 Tilbegumpur Sikandrabad 10790
3 Jhajhar Sikandrabad 9047
4 Gesupur Sikandrabad 8091
5 Vairbadshahpur Sikandrabad 7322
6 Chandaru Sikandrabad 6804
7 Dhanaura Sikandrabad 6154
8 Gangraul Sikandrabad 5599
9 Kakor Sikandrabad 4979
10 Bilsuri Sikandrabad 4436
11 Kanwara Sikandrabad 4149
12 Rasoolpur Rithauli Sikandrabad 3814
13 Bhanvra Sikandrabad 3683
14 Barodah Sikandrabad 3679
15 Srodhan Sikandrabad 3651
16 Pilakhanwali Sikandrabad 3557
17 Bharana Sikandrabad 3453
18 Saraighasi Sikandrabad 3412
19 Mandawarah Sikandrabad 3382
20 Mahepa Jagir Sikandrabad 3242
21 Wailaina Sikandrabad 3097
22 Adhan Sikandrabad 3050
23 Sunpeda Sikandrabad 3038
24 Faridpur Sikandrabad 2944
25 Dhamera Nara Sikandrabad 2932
26 Salempur Kayasth Sikandrabad 2886
27 Salempur Jaat Sikandrabad 2853
28 Mohammadpur Kala Sikandrabad 2849
29 Birondi Tajpur Sikandrabad 2820
30 Chola Sikandrabad 2720
31 Banchawali Sikandrabad 2716
32 Ismailpur Sikandrabad 2675
33 Barkherah Sikandrabad 2608
34 Sanwali Sikandrabad 2608
35 Sanota Sikandrabad 2536
36 Chandrawali Sikandrabad 2511
37 Ashadei Urf Prangarh Sikandrabad 2449
38 Isepur Sikandrabad 2439
39 Nijampur Sikandrabad 2420
40 Jokhabad Sikandrabad 2405
41 Zahidpur Sikandrabad 2394
42 Hasanpur Jagir Sikandrabad 2384
43 Mohana Sikandrabad 2340
44 Shahapani Sikandrabad 2339
45 Jauli Sikandrabad 2298
46 Kanakpur Alias Talawpur Sikandrabad 2257
47 Khawaspur Sikandrabad 2228
48 Alauda Jagir Sikandrabad 2218
49 Muradabad Sikandrabad 2193
50 Hirnoti Sikandrabad 2122
51 Khanpur Sikandrabad 2085
52 Nagla Govindpur Sikandrabad 2005
53 Piriyabani Sikandrabad 2002
54 Andhel Sikandrabad 1994
55 Rupbas Pachgai Sikandrabad 1895
56 Nithari Sikandrabad 1885
57 Kaudu Sikandrabad 1883
58 Junedpur Sikandrabad 1857
59 Masauta Sikandrabad 1855
60 Agarai Sikandrabad 1845
61 Bhatpura Sikandrabad 1828
62 Dadupur Neela Sikandrabad 1804
63 Azampur Husainpur Sikandrabad 1737
64 Aroda Sikandrabad 1590
65 Inayatpur Sikandrabad 1587
66 Jagatpur Alias Sultanpur Sikandrabad 1584
67 Bodah Sikandrabad 1577
68 Saraidulha Sikandrabad 1533
69 Gadhana Sikandrabad 1509
70 Ghazipur Sikandrabad 1478
71 Ritoli Sikandrabad 1470
72 Bahorabas Sikandrabad 1438
73 Chachoi Sikandrabad 1436
74 Sherpur Sikandrabad 1425
75 Benipur Sikandrabad 1414
76 Hasanpur Baksua Sikandrabad 1387
77 Hirdeypur Sikandrabad 1383
78 Fakana Sikandrabad 1353
79 Fatehpurjadon Sikandrabad 1351
80 Nurpur Sikandrabad 1348
81 Birondi Fauladpur Sikandrabad 1345
82 Khaguwa Was Sikandrabad 1316
83 Dulehra Sikandrabad 1291
84 Butena Sikandrabad 1278
85 Makrandpur Urf Fatehpur Sikandrabad 1274
86 Gendpurshaikhpur Sikandrabad 1269
87 Chauki Sikandrabad 1224
88 Ladlabas Sikandrabad 1176
89 Nawada Sikandrabad 1169
90 Amipur Bangar Sikandrabad 1149
91 Mahtab Nagar Sikandrabad 1148
92 Kherpur Tila Sikandrabad 1146
93 Bhatola Sikandrabad 1139
94 Saloni Urf Rauni Sikandrabad 1135
95 Gopalpur Sikandrabad 1074
96 Shekhpur Mazra Gangraul Sikandrabad 1052
97 Shahpur Kalan Sikandrabad 1050
98 Subra Sikandrabad 1047
99 Naglabarodah Sikandrabad 1035
100 Pitowas Sikandrabad 1001
101 Nagla Kala Sikandrabad 983
102 Hamidpur Sikandrabad 960
103 Shekhpurmam Sikandrabad 957
104 Bhonkhera Sikandrabad 955
105 Jaitpur Sikandrabad 931
106 Ajay Nagar Urf Jafarpur Buh Sikandrabad 916
107 Manowas Sikandrabad 912
108 Daudpur Sikandrabad 894
109 Saraijagannath Sikandrabad 859
110 Kwani Buzurj Sikandrabad 848
111 Babiya Sikandrabad 846
112 Mohammadpur Kehri Sikandrabad 750
113 Husenpur Fakhruddinpur Sikandrabad 720
114 Kadarpur Sikandrabad 706
115 Lalpur Sikandrabad 705
116 Alipura Sikandrabad 704
117 Arniya Kamalpur Sikandrabad 681
118 Agwana Sikandrabad 659
119 Biswanah Sikandrabad 650
120 Malhpur Sikandrabad 633
121 Aliabad Sikandrabad 625
122 Luhakar Sikandrabad 621
123 Kishanpur Sikandrabad 620
124 Khwajapur Aminabad Urf Fakigar Sikandrabad 580
125 Rajpur Khurd Sikandrabad 569
126 Rajarampur Sikandrabad 541
127 Nekrampur Urf Visanpur Sikandrabad 536
128 Kutwaya Sikandrabad 527
129 Lauthor Sikandrabad 527
130 Fatehpur Ladlawas Sikandrabad 390
131 Nagla Shekh Sikandrabad 262
132 Manjupur Sikandrabad 220
133 Asafpur Sikandrabad 160
134 Shahwazpur Sikandrabad 112
135 Pempur Sikandrabad 75
136 Mustafabad Sikandrabad 1
137 Allipur Sikandrabad N/A
138 Sanjarpur Sikandrabad N/A
139 Naglabirkhera Sikandrabad N/A
140 Mohammadabad Sikandrabad N/A
