Villages and Towns of Sojat Tehsil of District Pali, Rajasthan

Sojat Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Pali District, Rajasthan India. Sojat teshil is one of the teshil of Pali district Rajasthan. In Sojat Teshil there are 123 villages and 2 towns. Out of 123 villages in Sojat teshil in which Bagri is most populated village with population of 10509 and least populated village is Basni Narsingh having population only 43. There are 2 town in Sojat sub-district which lies in Sojat administrative devision. Most populated town in Sojat Teshil is Sojat (M) with population of 43023.

Total population of Sojat teshil is 220854 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Sojat teshil is 995 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Sojat teshil is 63.8%.

Census Data of Sojat Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
220854 995 63.8%

Demographics details of Sojat Teshil

The population of Sojat sub district is 220854 people, among them about 110702 are male and 110152 are female. Total number of house holds in Sojat Teshil is 46765. Total Literates persons are 121275 in which total male literates are 74861 and female literates are 46414. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 30753, among them 16133 are boys and 14620 are girls.

Sojat Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSojat
State NameRajasthan
District NamePali
Total Population220854
Total No of House Holds46765
Total Male Population110702
Total Female Population110152
0-6 Age group Total Population30753
0-6 Age group Male Population16133
0-6 Age group Male Population14620
Total Person Literates121275
Total Male Literates74861
Total Male Literates46414
Total Person Illiterates99579
Total Male Illiterates35841
Total Male Illiterates63738
Scheduled Cast Persons49784
Scheduled Cast Males25544
Scheduled Cast Females24240
Scheduled Tribe Persons600
Scheduled Tribe Males657
Scheduled Tribe Females600

Sojat Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 191783 151152
Population (%) 86.84 % 68.44 %
Male Population 96466 77616
Female Population 95317 73536
Sex Ratio 988 947
Child Population (0-6) 17662 8849
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 902 888
Child Percentage (0-6) 17.51% 12.45%
Households in 39779 28960
Literates 108595 111576
Literacy % 68.64% 84.31%
Male Literacy 87.67% 91.87%
Female Literacy 49.76% 76.42%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Sojat Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 205169 102633 102536 92.9% 58.87%
Muslim 14169 7309 6860 6.42% 4.29%
Christian 186 98 88 0.08% 0.07%
Sikh 16 4 12 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 24 13 11 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 1169 586 583 0.53% 0.52%
Other religions and persuasions 5 5 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 116 54 62 0.05% 0.03%

Workers profile of Sojat Teshil

Sojat has 94837 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 58049 male and 36788 female population are working population. Full time workers in Sojat teshil are 69368 and 25469 are marginal (part time) workers.

Sojat Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 94837 58049 36788
Main Workers 69368 49064 20304
Main Workers Cultivators 25097 17031 8066
Agriculture Labourer 18108 9390 8718
Household Industries 2115 1640 475
Other Workers 24048 21003 3045
Marginal Workers 25469 8985 16484
Non Working Persons 126017 52653 73364

List of Town/City of Sojat Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Sojat with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Pali is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Sojat (M) 43023 932
2 Sojat Road (CT) 12472 955

List of villages in Teshil-Sojat, District-Pali, Rajasthan as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Bagri Sojat 10509
2 Chandawal Sojat 7019
3 Atpara Sojat 5938
4 Sandiya Sojat 4136
5 Bilawas Sojat 3667
6 Siyat Sojat 3239
7 Rayara Kalan & Khurd Sojat 3167
8 Khariya Neev Sojat 2943
9 Surayta Sojat 2833
10 Dhakri Sojat 2685
11 Khoriya Sojat 2563
12 Khokhara Sojat 2561
13 Hariya Mali Sojat 2481
14 Guda Kalan Sojat 2476
15 Rupawas Sojat 2170
16 Chopra Sojat 2161
17 Mandla Sojat 2134
18 Basna Sojat 2115
19 Reprawas Sojat 1973
20 Shivpura Sojat 1944
21 Karmawas Sojat 1938
22 Dheenawas Sojat 1897
23 Lanera Sojat 1882
24 Bagawas Sojat 1828
25 Charwas Sojat 1806
26 Alawas Sojat 1723
27 Pachunda Kalan Sojat 1719
28 Guda Beeja Sojat 1708
29 Khamal Sojat 1706
30 Peeplad Sojat 1686
31 Bhaisana Sojat 1685
32 Kelwad Sojat 1644
33 Deoli Hulla Sojat 1567
34 Rajola Kalan Sojat 1561
35 Ramasanibala Sojat 1559
36 Dhangarwas Sojat 1558
37 Dornari Sojat 1554
38 Bhaniya Sojat 1547
39 Tharasani Sojat 1516
40 Sisarwada Sojat 1498
41 Jhupelao Sojat 1481
42 Dhurasani Sojat 1466
43 Rendari Sojat 1451
44 Naya Gaon Sojat 1441
45 Butelao Sojat 1436
46 Sojat (Rural) Sojat 1432
47 Dhandheri Sojat 1429
48 Ramasani Sandwan Sojat 1368
49 Guda Ramsingh Sojat 1362
50 Roondiya Sojat 1358
51 Gagura Sojat 1354
52 Hapat Sojat 1334
53 Sardar Samand Sojat 1269
54 Udeshi Kua Sojat 1233
55 Chundlai Sojat 1217
56 Sarangwas Sojat 1114
57 Chheetariya Sojat 1107
58 Khariya Soda Sojat 1105
59 Panchwa Kalan Sojat 1102
60 Meo Sojat 1089
61 Bijpur Sojat 1025
62 Gajnai Sojat 994
63 Pachchwa Khurd Sojat 960
64 Guda Shyama Sojat 946
65 Boyal Sojat 942
66 Morawas Sojat 920
67 Basni Jodhraj Sojat 915
68 Lundawas Sojat 910
69 Pachunda Khurd Sojat 909
70 Chamdiyak Sojat 907
71 Murdawa Sojat 883
72 Sardarpura Sojat 819
73 Guda Chatura Sojat 799
74 Basni Bhadawatan Sojat 794
75 Dadi Sojat 788
76 Abkai Ki Dhani Sojat 782
77 Ladpura Sojat 737
78 Kharnikhera Sojat 732
79 Singpura Sojat 722
80 Salarmal Sojat 696
81 Potaliya Sojat 688
82 Chandasani Sojat 665
83 Lakhan Ka Khet Sojat 664
84 Gurha Bachhraj Sojat 653
85 Hingawas Sojat 647
86 Sandarda Sojat 642
87 Godelao Sojat 627
88 Deo Nagar Sojat 626
89 Pokariya Nadi Sojat 605
90 Kanawas Sojat 596
91 Malpuriya Kalan Sojat 596
92 Heerawas Sojat 583
93 Bijliyawas Sojat 577
94 Mamawas Sojat 575
95 Khariya Swami Sojat 558
96 Dhoondha Lambodi Sojat 552
97 Rodawas Sojat 537
98 Nai Dhani Sojat 492
99 Guda Bhadawatan Sojat 490
100 Sand Magra Sojat 484
101 Malpuriya Khurd Sojat 481
102 Khera Nabra Sojat 479
103 Roopnagar Sojat 449
104 Basni Mootha Sojat 440
105 Bariyala Sojat 427
106 Ajeetpura Sojat 420
107 Vaidhnath Mahadev Nagar Sojat 419
108 Sobrawas Sojat 412
109 Shiv Nagar Sojat 390
110 Birawas Sojat 383
111 Napawas Sojat 371
112 Sohan Nagar Sojat 364
113 Basni Tilwadiyan Sojat 356
114 Nathal Kundi Sojat 356
115 Haripur Sojat 353
116 Khejari Ka Bala Sojat 333
117 Ker Khera Sojat 328
118 Chandawal Station Sojat 278
119 Bhanwar Bhata Sojat 253
120 Khakhra Sojat 239
121 Basni Anant Sojat 168
122 Basni Surayta Sojat 136
123 Basni Narsingh Sojat 43
