Villages and Towns of Sonbarsa Tehsil of District Sitamarhi, Bihar

Sonbarsa Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Sitamarhi District, Bihar India. Sonbarsa teshil is one of the teshil of Sitamarhi district Bihar. In Sonbarsa Teshil there are 123 villages and 0 towns. Out of 123 villages in Sonbarsa teshil in which Purandaha Rajwaramai tola Mus. is most populated village with population of 15238 and least populated village is Pipra Narayan having population only 0. There are 0 town in Sonbarsa sub-district which lies in Sonbarsa administrative devision. Most populated town in Sonbarsa Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Sonbarsa teshil is 251248 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Sonbarsa teshil is 908 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Sonbarsa teshil is 49.54%.

Census Data of Sonbarsa Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
251248 908 49.54%

Demographics details of Sonbarsa Teshil

The population of Sonbarsa sub district is 251248 people, among them about 131668 are male and 119580 are female. Total number of house holds in Sonbarsa Teshil is 53039. Total Literates persons are 99402 in which total male literates are 63565 and female literates are 35837. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 50613, among them 26151 are boys and 24462 are girls.

Sonbarsa Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSonbarsa
State NameBihar
District NameSitamarhi
Total Population251248
Total No of House Holds53039
Total Male Population131668
Total Female Population119580
0-6 Age group Total Population50613
0-6 Age group Male Population26151
0-6 Age group Male Population24462
Total Person Literates99402
Total Male Literates63565
Total Male Literates35837
Total Person Illiterates151846
Total Male Illiterates68103
Total Male Illiterates83743
Scheduled Cast Persons33019
Scheduled Cast Males17277
Scheduled Cast Females15742
Scheduled Tribe Persons26
Scheduled Tribe Males30
Scheduled Tribe Females26

Sonbarsa Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 79310 0
Population (%) 31.57 % 0 %
Male Population 41740 0
Female Population 37570 0
Sex Ratio 900 0
Child Population (0-6) 7404 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 954 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.24% 0%
Households in 18595 0
Literates 35806 0
Literacy % 55.22% 0%
Male Literacy 64.35% 0%
Female Literacy 44.94% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Sonbarsa Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 197981 104147 93834 78.8% 41.71%
Muslim 51099 26446 24653 20.34% 7.4%
Christian 624 347 277 0.25% 0.13%
Sikh 13 8 5 0.01% 0%
Buddhist 11 6 5 0% 0%
Jain 9 4 5 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 2 2 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 1509 708 801 0.6% 0.29%

Workers profile of Sonbarsa Teshil

Sonbarsa has 82443 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 62938 male and 19505 female population are working population. Full time workers in Sonbarsa teshil are 55040 and 27403 are marginal (part time) workers.

Sonbarsa Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 82443 62938 19505
Main Workers 55040 47594 7446
Main Workers Cultivators 13453 12242 1211
Agriculture Labourer 30875 26302 4573
Household Industries 1299 975 324
Other Workers 9413 8075 1338
Marginal Workers 27403 15344 12059
Non Working Persons 168805 68730 100075

List of villages in Teshil-Sonbarsa, District-Sitamarhi, Bihar as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Purandaha Rajwaramai tola Mus. Sonbarsa 15238
2 Pipra Parsain Sonbarsa 13838
3 Sonbarsa Sonbarsa 12297
4 Bhutahi Sonbarsa 11919
5 Sonbarsa Sonbarsa 11490
6 Sahsaul Sonbarsa 11415
7 Singhibahni Sonbarsa 10632
8 Ghurghura Hanumannagar urf Ghurghura Baluaha Sonbarsa 9479
9 Kanhauli Sonbarsa 9038
10 Marpa Sonbarsa 8977
11 Khasurha Sonbarsa 8291
12 Indarwa Sonbarsa 7887
13 Bargaon Sonbarsa 7857
14 Soha Sonbarsa 7731
15 Pararia Sonbarsa 7705
16 Shahpur Sonbarsa 7579
17 Raghunathpur Sonbarsa 7000
18 Nanauti Sonbarsa 6983
19 Kasnagar Sonbarsa 6953
20 Dostia Sonbarsa 6852
21 Bagaha Sonbarsa 6408
22 Fatehpur Sonbarsa 6326
23 Baraith Sonbarsa 6067
24 Kachaur Sonbarsa 5978
25 Mokma Sonbarsa 5959
26 Dalakwa Dalki Sonbarsa 5719
27 Marhia Tetaria Sonbarsa 5658
28 Bishunpur urf Gonahi Bishunpur Sonbarsa 5260
29 Bela Sonbarsa 5121
30 Barsam Sonbarsa 5089
31 Atlakha Sonbarsa 5056
32 Dahad Sonbarsa 4996
33 Behta Sonbarsa 4852
34 Madhesra Sonbarsa 4821
35 Gonram Sonbarsa 4783
36 Barahi Sonbarsa 4768
37 Chitra Sonbarsa 4763
38 Amirta Sonbarsa 4722
39 Bishunpur Sonbarsa 4711
40 Mahua patti Dakhin wari Sonbarsa 4649
41 Manguar Sonbarsa 4606
42 Bhasti Sonbarsa 4504
43 Bandarjhula Sonbarsa 4482
44 Baitha Masahri Sonbarsa 4452
45 Basahia Sonbarsa 4447
46 Kopa Sonbarsa 4421
47 Mahua patti Uttarwari Sonbarsa 4219
48 Maina Sonbarsa 4167
49 Jinagar Sonbarsa 4100
50 Paita Sonbarsa 3908
51 Manori Sonbarsa 3824
52 Bhaluaha Sonbarsa 3643
53 Kachharipur Sonbarsa 3566
54 Murha Dih Sonbarsa 3522
55 Lokhar Sonbarsa 3508
56 Sarauni Madhepura Sonbarsa 3386
57 Ramnagar Rasulpur Az Rakbe Sonbarsa 3368
58 Pachlakh Sonbarsa 3365
59 Bhada Sonbarsa 3323
60 Durgapur Sonbarsa 3315
61 Muh Chatti Sonbarsa 3232
62 Belhat Sonbarsa 3194
63 Parsa Khurd Sonbarsa 3148
64 Bhaura Sonbarsa 3111
65 Araria Sonbarsa 2916
66 Khap Khopraha urf Gobraha Sonbarsa 2881
67 Sarwarpur Sonbarsa 2880
68 Paman Sonbarsa 2839
69 Bharsand Sonbarsa 2813
70 Madhukarpur Sonbarsa 2792
71 Pharchhahian Sonbarsa 2766
72 Itaharwa Dularpur Sonbarsa 2763
73 Jamua Sonbarsa 2735
74 Dumra Sonbarsa 2705
75 Lagma Sonbarsa 2700
76 Fatehpur Sonbarsa 2608
77 Rakhauta Sonbarsa 2599
78 Balia Ekduari Sonbarsa 2585
79 Sahmaura Sonbarsa 2578
80 Sangrampur Sonbarsa 2476
81 Rohua Sonbarsa 2439
82 Kohbarwa Sonbarsa 2370
83 Rajwara Sonbarsa 2370
84 Sihorwa Sonbarsa 2366
85 Malandh Pattiuttarwari Sonbarsa 2363
86 Phulkaha Sonbarsa 2258
87 Harpur Sonbarsa 2193
88 Goalpura Sonbarsa 2175
89 Sirrahi Sonbarsa 2171
90 Indarwa Sonbarsa 2166
91 Agma Sonbarsa 2058
92 Pacharhi Sonbarsa 2058
93 Maura Sonbarsa 2017
94 Jamhra Sonbarsa 2001
95 Parsa Sonbarsa 1999
96 Basnahi Sonbarsa 1818
97 Gazi Paita Sonbarsa 1768
98 Jhitkia Bhela Sonbarsa 1765
99 Pipra Ghat Sonbarsa 1674
100 Murha Ghat Sonbarsa 1552
101 Goari Sonbarsa 1485
102 Parsa Kalan Sonbarsa 1409
103 Lachhmipur Sonbarsa 1165
104 Padumpur Sonbarsa 1069
105 Jalsiman Sonbarsa 1064
106 Murha Chhitauna Sonbarsa 1061
107 Lagma Patti Sonbarsa 1024
108 Betahi Sonbarsa 1018
109 Arazi Mohanpur Sonbarsa 961
110 Jamunia urf Majurwa Sonbarsa 931
111 Kolhait Sonbarsa 830
112 Urlahia Sonbarsa 802
113 Madhuban urf Madhuban Karmohna Sonbarsa 715
114 Pipra Dadan Sonbarsa 671
115 Pipra Dih Sonbarsa 523
116 Malaud patti Sonbarsa 504
117 Baisa Sonbarsa 317
118 Bheriahi Larakota Sonbarsa 259
119 Az Rakbe Bharsand Sonbarsa 256
120 Pipra Kalyan Sonbarsa 130
121 Arazi Sarwarpur Sonbarsa N/A
122 Az Rakbe Pipra Ghat Sonbarsa N/A
123 Pipra Narayan Sonbarsa N/A
