Villages and Towns of Suppi Tehsil of District Sitamarhi, Bihar

Suppi Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Sitamarhi District, Bihar India. Suppi teshil is one of the teshil of Sitamarhi district Bihar. In Suppi Teshil there are 37 villages and 0 towns. Out of 37 villages in Suppi teshil in which Akhta (Part in Bairgania) * is most populated village with population of 16980 and least populated village is Gamharia having population only 0. There are 0 town in Suppi sub-district which lies in Suppi administrative devision. Most populated town in Suppi Teshil is with population of N/A.

Total population of Suppi teshil is 122239 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Suppi teshil is 892 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Suppi teshil is 52.81%.

Census Data of Suppi Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
122239 892 52.81%

Demographics details of Suppi Teshil

The population of Suppi sub district is 122239 people, among them about 64616 are male and 57623 are female. Total number of house holds in Suppi Teshil is 28991. Total Literates persons are 52159 in which total male literates are 32520 and female literates are 19639. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 23477, among them 12256 are boys and 11221 are girls.

Suppi Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSuppi
State NameBihar
District NameSitamarhi
Total Population122239
Total No of House Holds28991
Total Male Population64616
Total Female Population57623
0-6 Age group Total Population23477
0-6 Age group Male Population12256
0-6 Age group Male Population11221
Total Person Literates52159
Total Male Literates32520
Total Male Literates19639
Total Person Illiterates70080
Total Male Illiterates32096
Total Male Illiterates37984
Scheduled Cast Persons20478
Scheduled Cast Males10802
Scheduled Cast Females9676
Scheduled Tribe Persons14
Scheduled Tribe Males23
Scheduled Tribe Females14

Suppi Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 326332 111908
Population (%) 266.96 % 91.55 %
Male Population 173053 59812
Female Population 153279 52096
Sex Ratio 886 871
Child Population (0-6) 33663 7941
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 930 875
Child Percentage (0-6) 19.91% 15.2%
Households in 66903 21212
Literates 133022 72296
Literacy % 50.89% 76.19%
Male Literacy 59.85% 81.32%
Female Literacy 40.66% 70.29%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Suppi Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 107061 56774 50287 87.58% 47.91%
Muslim 14980 7725 7255 12.25% 4.82%
Christian 38 23 15 0.03% 0.02%
Sikh 12 6 6 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 6 5 1 0% 0%
Jain 6 1 5 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 1 1 0 0% 0%
Religion not stated 135 81 54 0.11% 0.05%

Workers profile of Suppi Teshil

Suppi has 39254 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 31801 male and 7453 female population are working population. Full time workers in Suppi teshil are 29865 and 9389 are marginal (part time) workers.

Suppi Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 39254 31801 7453
Main Workers 29865 26618 3247
Main Workers Cultivators 6629 6314 315
Agriculture Labourer 17667 15668 1999
Household Industries 477 334 143
Other Workers 5092 4302 790
Marginal Workers 9389 5183 4206
Non Working Persons 82985 32815 50170

List of villages in Teshil-Suppi, District-Sitamarhi, Bihar as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Akhta (Part in Bairgania) * Suppi 16980
2 Mohni Madol Suppi 12043
3 Babhangawan Suppi 7231
4 Nahra Suppi 7162
5 Sisaula Kalan Suppi 6398
6 Bengahi Suppi 5439
7 Maniari Suppi 5342
8 Barharwa urf BishunpurMohabbat Suppi 5331
9 Gharwara Suppi 4640
10 Masahi Suppi 3698
11 Barahi Chintaman Suppi 3386
12 Kothia Rae Suppi 3313
13 Haripur Pipra Suppi 3157
14 Marpa Issar Das Suppi 3157
15 Pakari Parsa Suppi 3012
16 Bokta Suppi 2981
17 Sonaul Sube Suppi 2876
18 Bishunpur Kamdeo Suppi 2432
19 Madhurapur Suppi 2406
20 Muradpur Narkatia Suppi 2221
21 Semardah Kalan Suppi 1851
22 Supi Suppi 1802
23 Chak Dadan Suppi 1750
24 Parsa Suppi 1704
25 Rajepur Suppi 1656
26 Semardah Nankar Suppi 1427
27 Sonaul Khan Suppi 1357
28 Gopalpur Suppi 1332
29 Basant Khurd Suppi 1113
30 Rampur Kanth Suppi 1094
31 Jamal Parsa Suppi 1054
32 Dharampur Madan urf Chhaurhia Suppi 962
33 Amwa Khurd Suppi 659
34 Mohni Khurd Suppi 596
35 Kothiar Suppi 548
36 Haidra Suppi 129
37 Gamharia Suppi N/A
