Villages and Towns of Suwasara Tehsil of District Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh

Suwasara Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Mandsaur District, Madhya Pradesh India. Suwasara teshil is one of the teshil of Mandsaur district Madhya Pradesh. In Suwasara Teshil there are 74 villages and 1 towns. Out of 74 villages in Suwasara teshil in which Runija is most populated village with population of 4943 and least populated village is Gujarkhedi having population only 0. There are 1 town in Suwasara sub-district which lies in Suwasara administrative devision. Most populated town in Suwasara Teshil is Suwasara (NP) with population of 13304.

Total population of Suwasara teshil is 88388 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Suwasara teshil is 956 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Suwasara teshil is 63.95%.

Census Data of Suwasara Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
88388 956 63.95%

Demographics details of Suwasara Teshil

The population of Suwasara sub district is 88388 people, among them about 45197 are male and 43191 are female. Total number of house holds in Suwasara Teshil is 19465. Total Literates persons are 48421 in which total male literates are 29877 and female literates are 18544. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 12669, among them 6641 are boys and 6028 are girls.

Suwasara Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameSuwasara
State NameMadhya Pradesh
District NameMandsaur
Total Population88388
Total No of House Holds19465
Total Male Population45197
Total Female Population43191
0-6 Age group Total Population12669
0-6 Age group Male Population6641
0-6 Age group Male Population6028
Total Person Literates48421
Total Male Literates29877
Total Male Literates18544
Total Person Illiterates39967
Total Male Illiterates15320
Total Male Illiterates24647
Scheduled Cast Persons24218
Scheduled Cast Males12477
Scheduled Cast Females11741
Scheduled Tribe Persons211
Scheduled Tribe Males227
Scheduled Tribe Females211

Suwasara Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 210713 36586
Population (%) 238.4 % 41.39 %
Male Population 107976 18761
Female Population 102737 17825
Sex Ratio 951 950
Child Population (0-6) 16068 2346
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 899 937
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.48% 13.26%
Households in 44469 6909
Literates 117005 24420
Literacy % 64.93% 76.95%
Male Literacy 79.65% 87.81%
Female Literacy 49.61% 65.54%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Suwasara Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 82737 42346 40391 93.61% 58.71%
Muslim 4681 2363 2318 5.3% 4.18%
Christian 25 13 12 0.03% 0.02%
Sikh 76 39 37 0.09% 0.09%
Buddhist 19 7 12 0.02% 0.02%
Jain 804 413 391 0.91% 0.9%
Other religions and persuasions 14 4 10 0.02% 0.01%
Religion not stated 32 12 20 0.04% 0.02%

Workers profile of Suwasara Teshil

Suwasara has 44696 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 26628 male and 18068 female population are working population. Full time workers in Suwasara teshil are 31622 and 13074 are marginal (part time) workers.

Suwasara Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 44696 26628 18068
Main Workers 31622 23231 8391
Main Workers Cultivators 16897 12870 4027
Agriculture Labourer 8929 5598 3331
Household Industries 118 99 19
Other Workers 5678 4664 1014
Marginal Workers 13074 3397 9677
Non Working Persons 43692 18569 25123

List of Town/City of Suwasara Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Suwasara with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Mandsaur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Suwasara (NP) 13304 970

List of villages in Teshil-Suwasara, District-Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Runija Suwasara 4943
2 Basai Suwasara 4734
3 Ajepur Suwasara 3870
4 Ghasoi Suwasara 3225
5 Dhalpat Suwasara 2328
6 Dhabladewal Suwasara 2136
7 Kishorepura Suwasara 2093
8 Guradiya Pratap Suwasara 1982
9 Deoriya Vijay Suwasara 1788
10 Semlikankad Suwasara 1618
11 Dhabla Bhagwan Suwasara 1566
12 Borkhedi Suwasara 1485
13 Guradiya Vijay Suwasara 1475
14 Kantiya Suwasara 1388
15 Gordhanpura Suwasara 1381
16 Tarnod Suwasara 1354
17 Dhablamahesh Suwasara 1341
18 Amba Suwasara 1334
19 Tonkda Suwasara 1271
20 Semli Suwasara 1192
21 Bharpur Suwasara 1111
22 Pratappura Suwasara 1087
23 Dhamanya Suwasara 1056
24 Bardiya Gujar Suwasara 1020
25 Dhankhedi Suwasara 1004
26 Champakhedi Suwasara 1001
27 Dhanadi Suwasara 965
28 Jamunya Suwasara 931
29 Dhanwada Suwasara 925
30 Angari Suwasara 917
31 Hanspura Suwasara 881
32 Dhodhar Suwasara 879
33 Dhanadakheda Suwasara 874
34 Jagdi Suwasara 833
35 Nathukhedi Suwasara 830
36 Lakhwa Suwasara 813
37 Kanaheda Suwasara 801
38 Bhensola Suwasara 775
39 Gelana Suwasara 757
40 Deopurabamni Suwasara 746
41 Khejdiyabhop Suwasara 684
42 Raghunathpura Suwasara 683
43 Bardiya Suwasara 634
44 Antraliya Suwasara 633
45 Harnawada Suwasara 621
46 Dallod Suwasara 617
47 Khejdiya Megha Suwasara 584
48 Bawadikheda Suwasara 563
49 Masudi Suwasara 526
50 Savadi Suwasara 522
51 Piplya Suwasara 515
52 Rawatkheda Suwasara 506
53 Hanumantiya Suwasara 505
54 Dhakadkhedi Suwasara 497
55 Jhontawali Suwasara 447
56 Guradiyabamni Suwasara 427
57 Deoriyamoti Suwasara 427
58 Tarawali Suwasara 393
59 Kotdi Suwasara 390
60 Ruparel Suwasara 386
61 Lodhakhedi Suwasara 351
62 Dokarkhedi Suwasara 351
63 Dharnyakhedi Suwasara 331
64 Gudha Suwasara 331
65 Rojhani Suwasara 327
66 Gopakhedi Suwasara 323
67 Bangli Suwasara 319
68 Ghenchali Suwasara 318
69 Gardankhedi Suwasara 296
70 Rehatadi Suwasara 287
71 Ramnagar Suwasara 256
72 Deopuranagar Suwasara 236
73 Nirdhari Suwasara 88
74 Gujarkhedi Suwasara N/A
