Villages and Towns of Talappilly Tehsil of District Thrissur, Kerala

Talappilly Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Thrissur District, Kerala India. Talappilly teshil is one of the teshil of Thrissur district Kerala. In Talappilly Teshil there are 42 villages and 30 towns. Out of 42 villages in Talappilly teshil in which Pazhayannur is most populated village with population of 16688 and least populated village is Viruppakka having population only 2037. There are 30 town in Talappilly sub-district which lies in Talappilly administrative devision. Most populated town in Talappilly Teshil is Alur (CT) with population of 9807.

Total population of Talappilly teshil is 632086 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Talappilly teshil is 1100 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Talappilly teshil is 93.07%.

Census Data of Talappilly Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
632086 1100 93.07%

Demographics details of Talappilly Teshil

The population of Talappilly sub district is 632086 people, among them about 301050 are male and 331036 are female. Total number of house holds in Talappilly Teshil is 148429. Total Literates persons are 526409 in which total male literates are 254223 and female literates are 272186. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 66483, among them 34227 are boys and 32256 are girls.

Talappilly Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameTalappilly
State NameKerala
District NameThrissur
Total Population632086
Total No of House Holds148429
Total Male Population301050
Total Female Population331036
0-6 Age group Total Population66483
0-6 Age group Male Population34227
0-6 Age group Male Population32256
Total Person Literates526409
Total Male Literates254223
Total Male Literates272186
Total Person Illiterates105677
Total Male Illiterates46827
Total Male Illiterates58850
Scheduled Cast Persons86886
Scheduled Cast Males42018
Scheduled Cast Females44868
Scheduled Tribe Persons561
Scheduled Tribe Males486
Scheduled Tribe Females561

Talappilly Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 472360 408626
Population (%) 74.73 % 64.65 %
Male Population 231455 200243
Female Population 240905 208383
Sex Ratio 1041 1041
Child Population (0-6) 22382 18181
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 962 960
Child Percentage (0-6) 9.3% 9.08%
Households in 120264 103272
Literates 387579 343981
Literacy % 90.46% 92.59%
Male Literacy 92.39% 94.47%
Female Literacy 88.62% 90.8%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Talappilly Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 386376 184345 202031 61.13% 57.29%
Muslim 142482 66407 76075 22.54% 19.69%
Christian 101810 49596 52214 16.11% 15.95%
Sikh 35 15 20 0.01% 0.01%
Buddhist 29 15 14 0% 0%
Jain 4 2 2 0% 0%
Other religions and persuasions 102 47 55 0.02% 0.02%
Religion not stated 1248 623 625 0.2% 0.12%

Workers profile of Talappilly Teshil

Talappilly has 222408 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 161330 male and 61078 female population are working population. Full time workers in Talappilly teshil are 189601 and 32807 are marginal (part time) workers.

Talappilly Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 222408 161330 61078
Main Workers 189601 144504 45097
Main Workers Cultivators 8762 7368 1394
Agriculture Labourer 20195 11879 8316
Household Industries 5089 3548 1541
Other Workers 155555 121709 33846
Marginal Workers 32807 16826 15981
Non Working Persons 409678 139720 269958

List of Town/City of Talappilly Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Talappilly with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Thrissur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Alur (CT) 9807 1127
2 Chiranellur (CT) 9789 1124
3 Enkakkad (CT) 9584 1116
4 Desamangalam (CT) 8355 1075
5 Mundathikode (CT) 7672 1074
6 Kumaranellur (CT) 7553 1082
7 Chelakkara (CT) 7528 1130
8 Kottappuram (CT) 6727 1065
9 Eyyal (CT) 6727 1172
10 Porkulam (CT) 6503 1082
11 Kariyannur (CT) 6363 1076
12 Minalur (CT) 6120 1075
13 Nelluwaya (CT) 5994 1104
14 Chittanda (CT) 5936 1104
15 Akathiyoor (CT) 5847 1116
16 Peringandoor (CT) 5577 1108
17 Kunnamkulam (M) 54071 1129
18 Wadakkanchery (CT) 15674 1077
19 Kandanassery (CT) 14645 1177
20 Pazhanji (CT) 14067 1117
21 Velur (CT) 13928 1087
22 Cheruthuruthi (CT) 13828 1099
23 Karikkad (CT) 13656 1102
24 Kaniyarkode (CT) 13236 1051
25 Kadavallur (CT) 12912 1120
26 Choondal (CT) 12502 1131
27 Nedumpura (CT) 12399 1091
28 Kattakampal (CT) 11836 1184
29 Chiramanangad (CT) 11060 1090
30 Eranellur (CT) 10145 1143

List of villages in Teshil-Talappilly, District-Thrissur, Kerala as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Pazhayannur Talappilly 16688
2 Thekkumkara Talappilly 15267
3 Mullurkara Talappilly 13491
4 Thiruvilwamala Talappilly 11793
5 Kondazhy Talappilly 11507
6 Venganellur Talappilly 10664
7 Elanad Talappilly 10284
8 Vadakkethara Talappilly 10261
9 Perumpilavu Talappilly 9896
10 Painkulam Talappilly 9517
11 Killimangalam Talappilly 9119
12 Kadangode Talappilly 9016
13 Varavoor Talappilly 8944
14 Thichur Talappilly 8165
15 Manalithara Talappilly 7581
16 Attoor Talappilly 7327
17 Pallur Talappilly 7197
18 Chowwannur(Part) Talappilly 6907
19 Thonnurkara Talappilly 6799
20 Vellattanjur Talappilly 6704
21 Mayannur Talappilly 6660
22 Chemmanthatta Talappilly 6538
23 Pulakode Talappilly 6456
24 Panjal Talappilly 6388
25 Vellarakkad Talappilly 5771
26 Pangarappilly Talappilly 5467
27 Parlikad Talappilly 4771
28 Thayyur Talappilly 4740
29 Kanjirakode Talappilly 4474
30 Puthuruthy Talappilly 4390
31 Chelakode Talappilly 4236
32 Mangad (Part) Talappilly 3989
33 Karumathara Talappilly 3814
34 Kurumala Talappilly 3536
35 Pampady Talappilly 3515
36 Thalassery Talappilly 3318
37 Pilakkad Talappilly 3276
38 Kanipayyur (Part) Talappilly 3245
39 Vennur Talappilly 3023
40 Arangottukara Talappilly 3013
41 Kiralur Talappilly 2261
42 Viruppakka Talappilly 2037
