Villages and Towns of Telhara Tehsil of District Akola, Maharashtra

Telhara Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Akola District, Maharashtra India. Telhara teshil is one of the teshil of Akola district Maharashtra. In Telhara Teshil there are 101 villages and 1 towns. Out of 101 villages in Telhara teshil in which Hiwarkhed is most populated village with population of 23216 and least populated village is Bambarda Kh. having population only 0. There are 1 town in Telhara sub-district which lies in Telhara administrative devision. Most populated town in Telhara Teshil is Telhara (M Cl) with population of 20986.

Total population of Telhara teshil is 172359 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Telhara teshil is 945 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Telhara teshil is 85.62%.

Census Data of Telhara Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
172359 945 85.62%

Demographics details of Telhara Teshil

The population of Telhara sub district is 172359 people, among them about 88607 are male and 83752 are female. Total number of house holds in Telhara Teshil is 37826. Total Literates persons are 129022 in which total male literates are 69546 and female literates are 59476. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 21663, among them 11227 are boys and 10436 are girls.

Telhara Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameTelhara
State NameMaharashtra
District NameAkola
Total Population172359
Total No of House Holds37826
Total Male Population88607
Total Female Population83752
0-6 Age group Total Population21663
0-6 Age group Male Population11227
0-6 Age group Male Population10436
Total Person Literates129022
Total Male Literates69546
Total Male Literates59476
Total Person Illiterates43337
Total Male Illiterates19061
Total Male Illiterates24276
Scheduled Cast Persons30971
Scheduled Cast Males15968
Scheduled Cast Females15003
Scheduled Tribe Persons5246
Scheduled Tribe Males5466
Scheduled Tribe Females5246

Telhara Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 168904 15761
Population (%) 98 % 9.14 %
Male Population 85823 8075
Female Population 83081 7686
Sex Ratio 968 952
Child Population (0-6) 12920 989
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 957 918
Child Percentage (0-6) 14.97% 13.11%
Households in 32362 3234
Literates 107350 11747
Literacy % 74.75% 85.78%
Male Literacy 83.98% 90.93%
Female Literacy 65.22% 80.39%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Telhara Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 113999 58474 55525 66.14% 58.44%
Muslim 30535 15712 14823 17.72% 14.46%
Christian 309 152 157 0.18% 0.14%
Sikh 56 32 24 0.03% 0.02%
Buddhist 26913 13957 12956 15.61% 12.3%
Jain 183 96 87 0.11% 0.1%
Other religions and persuasions 14 10 4 0.01% 0%
Religion not stated 350 174 176 0.2% 0.15%

Workers profile of Telhara Teshil

Telhara has 78362 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 51405 male and 26957 female population are working population. Full time workers in Telhara teshil are 70699 and 7663 are marginal (part time) workers.

Telhara Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 78362 51405 26957
Main Workers 70699 47946 22753
Main Workers Cultivators 15886 12411 3475
Agriculture Labourer 46862 29122 17740
Household Industries 541 410 131
Other Workers 7410 6003 1407
Marginal Workers 7663 3459 4204
Non Working Persons 93997 37202 56795

List of Town/City of Telhara Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Telhara with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Akola is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Telhara (M Cl) 20986 951

List of villages in Teshil-Telhara, District-Akola, Maharashtra as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Hiwarkhed Telhara 23216
2 Adgaon Bk. Telhara 9815
3 Danapur Telhara 7774
4 Belkhed Telhara 7471
5 Bhamberi Telhara 4688
6 Malegaon Bazar Telhara 4475
7 Pathardi Telhara 4080
8 Sirsoli Telhara 3947
9 Ghodegaon Telhara 3393
10 Gadegaon Telhara 3153
11 Dahigaon Telhara 3123
12 Talegaon Bk. Telhara 2894
13 Saundala Telhara 2807
14 Shivaji Nagar Telhara 2687
15 Wadi Adampur Telhara 2465
16 Karla Bk. Telhara 2235
17 Khandala Telhara 2214
18 Narsipur Telhara 2149
19 Adsul Telhara 2087
20 Manabda Telhara 1934
21 Chitalwadi Telhara 1744
22 Warud Bk. Telhara 1689
23 Hingani Bk. Telhara 1502
24 Ner Telhara 1489
25 Kheldeshpande Telhara 1362
26 Warkhed Telhara 1354
27 Akoli Ruprao Telhara 1340
28 Pimparkhed Telhara 1298
29 Khel Mukadam Telhara 1277
30 Isapur Telhara 1242
31 Raikhed Telhara 1225
32 Ubarkhed Telhara 1214
33 Changalwadi Telhara 1179
34 Talegaon Kh. Telhara 1177
35 Tudgaon Telhara 1122
36 Borha Telhara 1117
37 Thar Telhara 1113
38 Talegaon Pr.wadner Telhara 1078
39 Khelkrushnaji Telhara 1065
40 Talegaon Pr.Paturdi Telhara 1048
41 Dapura Telhara 1020
42 Wadgaon Rothe Telhara 1016
43 Ukali Bajar Telhara 1012
44 Kotha Telhara 979
45 Bhili Telhara 937
46 Manatri Bk Telhara 883
47 Jastagaon Telhara 868
48 Warud wadner Telhara 858
49 Wangargaon Telhara 839
50 Wakodi Telhara 823
51 Umri Telhara 779
52 Gordha Telhara 776
53 Khakata Telhara 758
54 Nimboli Telhara 750
55 Dhonda Akhar Telhara 724
56 Kalegaon Telhara 711
57 Babhulgaon Telhara 687
58 Nimbora Bk. Telhara 683
59 Sheri Pr.wadner Telhara 663
60 Khaparkhed Telhara 654
61 Jafarapur Telhara 652
62 Wari Bhairaogad Telhara 612
63 Badkhed Telhara 610
64 Chipi Telhara 600
65 Takali Telhara 600
66 Atkali Telhara 570
67 Ranegaon Telhara 569
68 Manatri Kh. Telhara 563
69 Bhokar Telhara 560
70 Daula Telhara 543
71 Sheri Bk. Telhara 535
72 Piwandal Kh. Telhara 505
73 Chandanpur Telhara 454
74 Sheri Kh. Telhara 442
75 Diwanzari Telhara 431
76 Piwandal Bk. Telhara 421
77 Malthana Bk. Telhara 416
78 Sangavi Telhara 412
79 Chichari Telhara 377
80 Hayatpur Telhara 340
81 Sonwadi Telhara 312
82 Nimbora Kh. Telhara 298
83 Sadarpur Telhara 287
84 Zari Bazar Telhara 285
85 Khelsatwaji Telhara 284
86 Hingani Kh. Telhara 268
87 Karhi Pr.Rupagad Telhara 185
88 Umarshevadi Telhara 183
89 Malpura Telhara 121
90 Moypani Telhara 111
91 Malthana Kh. Telhara 106
92 Chapaner Telhara 37
93 Mehkhed Telhara 12
94 Kalamkhed Telhara 10
95 Moradi Telhara N/A
96 Parasharampur. Telhara N/A
97 Karhi Pr. Adgaon Telhara N/A
98 Malegaon Pr.Adgaon Telhara N/A
99 Warud Kh. Telhara N/A
100 Sonkel Telhara N/A
101 Bambarda Kh. Telhara N/A
