Villages and Towns of Thasra Tehsil of District Kheda, Gujarat

Thasra Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Kheda District, Gujarat India. Thasra teshil is one of the teshil of Kheda district Gujarat. In Thasra Teshil there are 96 villages and 2 towns. Out of 96 villages in Thasra teshil in which Pali is most populated village with population of 16202 and least populated village is Bhatpura No-2 having population only 0. There are 2 town in Thasra sub-district which lies in Thasra administrative devision. Most populated town in Thasra Teshil is Dakor (M + OG) with population of 25658.

Total population of Thasra teshil is 342145 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Thasra teshil is 929 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Thasra teshil is 80.3%.

Census Data of Thasra Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
342145 929 80.3%

Demographics details of Thasra Teshil

The population of Thasra sub district is 342145 people, among them about 177411 are male and 164734 are female. Total number of house holds in Thasra Teshil is 68081. Total Literates persons are 239271 in which total male literates are 139277 and female literates are 99994. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 44165, among them 23241 are boys and 20924 are girls.

Thasra Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameThasra
State NameGujarat
District NameKheda
Total Population342145
Total No of House Holds68081
Total Male Population177411
Total Female Population164734
0-6 Age group Total Population44165
0-6 Age group Male Population23241
0-6 Age group Male Population20924
Total Person Literates239271
Total Male Literates139277
Total Male Literates99994
Total Person Illiterates102874
Total Male Illiterates38134
Total Male Illiterates64740
Scheduled Cast Persons18911
Scheduled Cast Males9773
Scheduled Cast Females9138
Scheduled Tribe Persons5323
Scheduled Tribe Males5700
Scheduled Tribe Females5323

Thasra Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 437105 36168
Population (%) 127.75 % 10.57 %
Male Population 220544 18388
Female Population 216561 17780
Sex Ratio 982 967
Child Population (0-6) 44450 2710
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 951 884
Child Percentage (0-6) 19.84% 15.97%
Households in 69602 6520
Literates 201663 23839
Literacy % 57.56% 78.44%
Male Literacy 67.87% 85.47%
Female Literacy 47.14% 71.29%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Thasra Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 294934 153091 141843 86.2% 69.05%
Muslim 42224 21696 20528 12.34% 9.91%
Christian 4369 2285 2084 1.28% 1.18%
Sikh 139 72 67 0.04% 0.04%
Buddhist 38 23 15 0.01% 0.01%
Jain 173 89 84 0.05% 0.05%
Other religions and persuasions 8 3 5 0% 0%
Religion not stated 260 152 108 0.08% 0.06%

Workers profile of Thasra Teshil

Thasra has 145517 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 101963 male and 43554 female population are working population. Full time workers in Thasra teshil are 109575 and 35942 are marginal (part time) workers.

Thasra Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 145517 101963 43554
Main Workers 109575 89610 19965
Main Workers Cultivators 40047 36562 3485
Agriculture Labourer 41516 30574 10942
Household Industries 1149 824 325
Other Workers 26863 21650 5213
Marginal Workers 35942 12353 23589
Non Working Persons 196628 75448 121180

List of Town/City of Thasra Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Thasra with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Kheda is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Dakor (M + OG) 25658 910
2 Thasra (M) 15806 932

List of villages in Teshil-Thasra, District-Kheda, Gujarat as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Pali Thasra 16202
2 Anghadi Thasra 13556
3 Kuni Thasra 11388
4 Kalsar Thasra 9024
5 Dhunadara Thasra 8568
6 Wanghroli Thasra 8425
7 Sonipur Thasra 8233
8 Agarwa Thasra 7726
9 Pipalvada Thasra 6629
10 Raniya Thasra 6475
11 Vanoti Thasra 6411
12 Vaso Thasra 6334
13 Vanoda Thasra 6152
14 Sandheli Thasra 6118
15 Vadad Thasra 6106
16 Jesapura Mithapura Thasra 5339
17 Bhadrasa Thasra 4887
18 Kotlindora Thasra 4805
19 Timbana Muvada Thasra 4796
20 Nanadara Thasra 4744
21 Rozva Thasra 4574
22 Padal Thasra 4542
23 Mahi Itadi Thasra 4525
24 Masra Thasra 4298
25 Khijalpur Talpad Thasra 4265
26 Pandvania Thasra 4185
27 Saiyat Thasra 3679
28 Golaj Thasra 3412
29 Nes Thasra 3309
30 Chetarsumba Thasra 3201
31 Sui Thasra 3128
32 Bordi Thasra 3095
33 Dabhali Thasra 3039
34 Jargal Thasra 2854
35 Umba Thasra 2835
36 Gumadiya Thasra 2739
37 Sanadra Thasra 2672
38 Malvan Thasra 2643
39 Menpura Thasra 2569
40 Khad Godhra Thasra 2557
41 Chitlav Thasra 2442
42 Manjipura Thasra 2362
43 Rakhiyal (Part) Thasra 2350
44 Rawaliya Thasra 2348
45 Kotariya Thasra 2237
46 Muliyad Thasra 2166
47 Sarnal Thasra 2073
48 Morambli Thasra 2023
49 Ekalvelu Thasra 2011
50 Marghakui Thasra 1990
51 Vinzol Thasra 1955
52 Rani Porda Thasra 1897
53 Ozharala Thasra 1890
54 jakhed Thasra 1879
55 Baladha Thasra 1795
56 Ajroli Thasra 1795
57 Jorapura Thasra 1784
58 Badharpura Thasra 1715
59 Ambav Thasra 1694
60 Bharthari Thasra 1689
61 Palaiya Thasra 1653
62 Khijalpur Vanto Thasra 1637
63 jalanagar Thasra 1630
64 Porda Thasra 1625
65 Vajewal Thasra 1611
66 Rustampura Thasra 1593
67 Shahpura Thasra 1534
68 Dhundi Thasra 1473
69 Shamalpura Thasra 1449
70 Salun Thasra 1392
71 Rasulpur Padal Thasra 1322
72 Sangol Thasra 1312
73 Mithana Muvada Thasra 1276
74 Harkhol Thasra 1267
75 Simlaj Thasra 1264
76 Kosam Thasra 1243
77 Amrutpura Thasra 1243
78 Udhmatpura Thasra 1240
79 Aurangpura Thasra 1192
80 Malai Thasra 1186
81 Sonaiya Thasra 1161
82 Pilol Thasra 1161
83 Rasulpur Thasra Thasra 1065
84 Dabhsar Thasra 1063
85 Ajupura Thasra 1032
86 Aklach Thasra 1014
87 Sandheliya Thasra 980
88 Vallavpura Thasra 920
89 Chandasar Thasra 905
90 Vithalpura Thasra 766
91 Uplet Thasra 722
92 Bhatvasna Thasra 572
93 Gadhvina Muvada Thasra 560
94 Vamali Thasra 484
95 Bhatpura No-1 Thasra N/A
96 Bhatpura No-2 Thasra N/A
