Villages and Towns of Tundla Tehsil of District Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh

Tundla Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Firozabad District, Uttar Pradesh India. Tundla teshil is one of the teshil of Firozabad district Uttar Pradesh. In Tundla Teshil there are 98 villages and 3 towns. Out of 98 villages in Tundla teshil in which Ramgarh Urf Ummergarh is most populated village with population of 14944 and least populated village is Kutubpur Sahibahat Mali having population only 0. There are 3 town in Tundla sub-district which lies in Tundla administrative devision. Most populated town in Tundla Teshil is Tundla Railway Colony (CT) with population of 7404.

Total population of Tundla teshil is 361489 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Tundla teshil is 867 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Tundla teshil is 74.8%.

Census Data of Tundla Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
361489 867 74.8%

Demographics details of Tundla Teshil

The population of Tundla sub district is 361489 people, among them about 193631 are male and 167858 are female. Total number of house holds in Tundla Teshil is 58949. Total Literates persons are 228746 in which total male literates are 138732 and female literates are 90014. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 55684, among them 29725 are boys and 25959 are girls.

Tundla Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameTundla
State NameUttar Pradesh
District NameFirozabad
Total Population361489
Total No of House Holds58949
Total Male Population193631
Total Female Population167858
0-6 Age group Total Population55684
0-6 Age group Male Population29725
0-6 Age group Male Population25959
Total Person Literates228746
Total Male Literates138732
Total Male Literates90014
Total Person Illiterates132743
Total Male Illiterates54899
Total Male Illiterates77844
Scheduled Cast Persons91414
Scheduled Cast Males48737
Scheduled Cast Females42677
Scheduled Tribe Persons20
Scheduled Tribe Males21
Scheduled Tribe Females20

Tundla Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 323625 66204
Population (%) 89.53 % 18.31 %
Male Population 173502 34467
Female Population 150123 31737
Sex Ratio 865 921
Child Population (0-6) 33102 5259
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 905 919
Child Percentage (0-6) 19.48% 16.59%
Households in 55091 11094
Literates 99063 21875
Literacy % 38.02% 39.61%
Male Literacy 47.54% 44.51%
Female Literacy 26.89% 34.3%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Tundla Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 332012 178230 153782 91.85% 69.24%
Muslim 23470 12299 11171 6.49% 4.02%
Christian 511 269 242 0.14% 0.13%
Sikh 270 143 127 0.07% 0.08%
Buddhist 652 329 323 0.18% 0.16%
Jain 3421 1787 1634 0.95% 0.95%
Other religions and persuasions 10 8 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 1143 566 577 0.32% 0.23%

Workers profile of Tundla Teshil

Tundla has 104360 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 88922 male and 15438 female population are working population. Full time workers in Tundla teshil are 74433 and 29927 are marginal (part time) workers.

Tundla Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 104360 88922 15438
Main Workers 74433 66308 8125
Main Workers Cultivators 20446 19088 1358
Agriculture Labourer 12571 11445 1126
Household Industries 3173 2159 1014
Other Workers 38243 33616 4627
Marginal Workers 29927 22614 7313
Non Working Persons 257129 104709 152420

List of Town/City of Tundla Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Tundla with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Firozabad is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Tundla Railway Colony (CT) 7404 870
2 Tundla Kham (CT) 7079 910
3 Tundla (NPP) 50423 902

List of villages in Teshil-Tundla, District-Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Ramgarh Urf Ummergarh Tundla 14944
2 Dhir Pur Tundla 14478
3 Pachokara Tundla 10831
4 Panwari Tundla 10253
5 Rasulabad Tundla 9958
6 Rudau Mustaqil Tundla 9512
7 Rudau Pahar Pur Tundla 9268
8 Mohammadabad Tundla 8907
9 Anwara Tundla 7945
10 Himmatpur Tundla 7230
11 Chulhaoli Tundla 7151
12 Deo Khera Tundla 6801
13 Shekhupur Rajmal Tundla 6395
14 Jarauli Kalan Tundla 6171
15 Guarinagla Singhi Tundla 6113
16 Kotki Tundla 6061
17 Tikri Tundla 5216
18 Bachhgaon Tundla 5044
19 Kartiki Tundla 4833
20 Ulau Tundla 4705
21 Mohammdi Tundla 4507
22 Usaini Tundla 4161
23 Nagau Tundla 4144
24 Alai Tundla 3627
25 Kutabpur Sahibmustaqil Tundla 3375
26 Salempur Tundla 3355
27 Salempur Naglakhar Tundla 3290
28 Shekhpur Mandanpur Tundla 3286
29 Garhi Nirbhai Tundla 3156
30 Jarauli Khurd Tundla 3094
31 Nagla Sikandar Tundla 3083
32 Paharipur Bhodela Tundla 3080
33 Gothua Tundla 2758
34 Hazratpur Tundla 2715
35 Garhijafar Tundla 2669
36 Sikrari Tundla 2636
37 Chhakau Tundla 2554
38 Niamatpur Tundla 2491
39 Baghai Tundla 2483
40 Nagala Dal Tundla 2471
41 Basai Tundla 2432
42 Jondhri Tundla 2406
43 Bankat Tundla 2402
44 Chhitrai Tundla 2360
45 Madauli Tundla 2169
46 Marsena Tundla 2093
47 Raja Wali Tundla 2074
48 Danauli Tundla 1993
49 Bhikanpur Bajhera Tundla 1963
50 Ghirauli Tundla 1963
51 Satauli Tundla 1900
52 Piprauli Tundla 1865
53 Nagla Suraj Tundla 1737
54 Nagalapunu Tundla 1721
55 Garhi Sidhari Tundla 1678
56 Seosinghpur Tundla 1642
57 Nagla Kalua Tundla 1641
58 Khera Langar Tundla 1593
59 Garhiranchhor Tundla 1545
60 Jarkhi Tundla 1468
61 Jaj Pur Tundla 1439
62 Siraulia Tundla 1421
63 Garhi Harrai Tundla 1411
64 Sarainoor Mahal Tundla 1388
65 Eta Tundla 1380
66 Hemrajpur Tundla 1351
67 Nagla Balia Tundla 1348
68 Bhondela Tundla 1328
69 Bhainsabrijpur Tundla 1317
70 Garhi Purani Tundla 1164
71 Dharampur Tundla 1162
72 Husainpur Tundla 1102
73 |Kutubpur Jarkhi Tundla 1023
74 Ramnagarjarkhi Tundla 983
75 Lalgarhi Tundla 936
76 Rampur Katailia Tundla 936
77 Latifpur Tundla 931
78 Ram Pur Tundla 907
79 Baghai Tundla 846
80 Sakhawat Pur Tundla 833
81 Garai Thakur Tundla 821
82 Pratapur Tundla 814
83 Tilokpur Tundla 783
84 Mohammadpur Tundla 754
85 Kheria Jarkhi Tundla 747
86 Khushhal Pur Tundla 730
87 Garhi Bhopal Tundla 719
88 Garhi Fateh Tundla 694
89 Anandpur Tundla 682
90 Nagla Barisani Tundla 669
91 Alawalpur Tundla 660
92 Nagalaraiya Tundla 613
93 Badanpur Tundla 498
94 Rampur Tundla 495
95 Garhi Ummed Tundla 302
96 Tundli Tundla N/A
97 Rudaunat Mali Tundla N/A
98 Kutubpur Sahibahat Mali Tundla N/A
