Villages and Towns of Umarkote Tehsil of District Nabarangapur , Odisha

Umarkote Teshil is a sub district administrative devision in Nabarangapur District, Odisha India. Umarkote teshil is one of the teshil of Nabarangapur district Odisha. In Umarkote Teshil there are 106 villages and 1 towns. Out of 106 villages in Umarkote teshil in which Tohara is most populated village with population of 10900 and least populated village is Janiguda having population only 0. There are 1 town in Umarkote sub-district which lies in Umarkote administrative devision. Most populated town in Umarkote Teshil is Umarkote (NAC) with population of 28993.

Total population of Umarkote teshil is 206012 as per Census 2011 Data. Sex ratio in Umarkote teshil is 1004 per 1000 male. Literacy rate in Umarkote teshil is 49.37%.

Census Data of Umarkote Teshil, India --Census 2011

Population Sex Ratio Literacy
206012 1004 49.37%

Demographics details of Umarkote Teshil

The population of Umarkote sub district is 206012 people, among them about 102791 are male and 103221 are female. Total number of house holds in Umarkote Teshil is 43769. Total Literates persons are 83625 in which total male literates are 49832 and female literates are 33793. Under the age of six years child population of Tijara tahsil is 36636, among them 18434 are boys and 18202 are girls.

Umarkote Taluk Census 2011 Data

Description Census 2011 Data
Sub District NameUmarkote
State NameOdisha
District NameNabarangapur
Total Population206012
Total No of House Holds43769
Total Male Population102791
Total Female Population103221
0-6 Age group Total Population36636
0-6 Age group Male Population18434
0-6 Age group Male Population18202
Total Person Literates83625
Total Male Literates49832
Total Male Literates33793
Total Person Illiterates122387
Total Male Illiterates52959
Total Male Illiterates69428
Scheduled Cast Persons40484
Scheduled Cast Males20364
Scheduled Cast Females20120
Scheduled Tribe Persons56740
Scheduled Tribe Males55332
Scheduled Tribe Females56740

Umarkote Rural/Urban Census 2011 Data

Description Rural Urban
Total Population 50736 0
Population (%) 24.63 % 0 %
Male Population 24764 0
Female Population 25972 0
Sex Ratio 1049 0
Child Population (0-6) 4641 0
Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 983 0
Child Percentage (0-6) 18.14% 0%
Households in 13107 0
Literates 17323 0
Literacy % 41.71% 0%
Male Literacy 54.37% 0%
Female Literacy 29.81% 0%

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Umarkote Teshil

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Population % Literacy
Hindu 200466 100022 100444 97.31% 47.59%
Muslim 1356 699 657 0.66% 0.58%
Christian 3702 1814 1888 1.8% 1.06%
Sikh 33 16 17 0.02% 0.01%
Buddhist 52 34 18 0.03% 0.02%
Jain 54 30 24 0.03% 0.02%
Other religions and persuasions 6 2 4 0% 0%
Religion not stated 343 174 169 0.17% 0.08%

Workers profile of Umarkote Teshil

Umarkote has 98323 population engaged in either main or marginal works out of them 57727 male and 40596 female population are working population. Full time workers in Umarkote teshil are 52876 and 45447 are marginal (part time) workers.

Umarkote Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 98323 57727 40596
Main Workers 52876 43355 9521
Main Workers Cultivators 26614 24379 2235
Agriculture Labourer 13100 8330 4770
Household Industries 613 505 108
Other Workers 12549 10141 2408
Marginal Workers 45447 14372 31075
Non Working Persons 107689 45064 62625

List of Town/City of Umarkote Teshil as per Census 2011

List of Town/City of Umarkote with Population, Sex Ratio and Literacy rate as per the Census 2011 data. Nabarangapur is further divided into number of sub-districts which are administrative divisions in District.

# Town/City Population Sex Ratio
1 Umarkote (NAC) 28993 980

List of villages in Teshil-Umarkote, District-Nabarangapur , Odisha as per Census 2011

# Village Teshil Population
1 Tohara Umarkote 10900
2 Beheda Umarkote 5207
3 Sunabeda Umarkote 5075
4 Kurushi Umarkote 4712
5 Telanadigan Umarkote 4533
6 Murtama Umarkote 3962
7 Badokumari Umarkote 3516
8 Khutuguda Umarkote 3442
9 Burja Umarkote 3434
10 Anchala Umarkote 3160
11 Hirapur Umarkote 3040
12 Purla Umarkote 3020
13 Jamaranda Umarkote 2958
14 Sirliguda Umarkote 2856
15 Umargan Umarkote 2833
16 Mohuli Umarkote 2820
17 Khanda Umarkote 2762
18 Silati Umarkote 2752
19 Sanokumari Umarkote 2746
20 Bhimaguda Umarkote 2732
21 Bamini Umarkote 2719
22 Bokoda Umarkote 2682
23 Dhodra Umarkote 2652
24 Kodobhata Umarkote 2358
25 Parasala Umarkote 2349
26 Kanakote Umarkote 2246
27 Chhotaguda Umarkote 2168
28 Sanabharandi Umarkote 2166
29 Ekamba Umarkote 2133
30 Badabasini Umarkote 2102
31 Batibeda Umarkote 2102
32 Bhikia Umarkote 2066
33 Sukigan alias Dabiriguda Umarkote 2065
34 Taragan Umarkote 2062
35 Kopena Umarkote 2034
36 Khadaka Umarkote 2011
37 Tilondi Umarkote 1983
38 Dondasara Umarkote 1977
39 Naikguda Umarkote 1969
40 Semla Umarkote 1859
41 Dumarpadar Umarkote 1820
42 Kesarabera Umarkote 1778
43 Sankarda Umarkote 1773
44 Limaguda Umarkote 1761
45 Pujariguda Umarkote 1672
46 Adhikariguda Umarkote 1653
47 Kenduguda Umarkote 1635
48 Chikalpadar Umarkote 1627
49 Dharli Umarkote 1618
50 Majhia Umarkote 1565
51 Gobari Umarkote 1482
52 Pujaribharandi Umarkote 1443
53 Bakadabeda Umarkote 1399
54 Telagan Umarkote 1289
55 Matgan Umarkote 1263
56 Benora Umarkote 1251
57 Gurama Umarkote 1131
58 Padiaguda Umarkote 1118
59 Chhanchanbeda Umarkote 1110
60 Badabharandi Umarkote 1096
61 Bhandariguda Umarkote 1082
62 Duglahandi Umarkote 1064
63 Pujariguda Umarkote 1057
64 Nirundi Umarkote 1054
65 Sanabasini Umarkote 1047
66 Neura Umarkote 1015
67 Telakanari Umarkote 968
68 Borogan Umarkote 948
69 Tentuligan Umarkote 920
70 Koramari Umarkote 887
71 Tishaguda Umarkote 872
72 Ingra Umarkote 870
73 Gauntiaguda Umarkote 823
74 Taraguda Umarkote 800
75 Dubia Umarkote 781
76 Chingidiguda Umarkote 734
77 Mundapadar Umarkote 727
78 Mendabeda Umarkote 661
79 Pakhanaguda Umarkote 661
80 Birisadi Umarkote 651
81 Dhobadora Umarkote 636
82 Saraguda Umarkote 632
83 Barkona Umarkote 625
84 Bakaliguda Umarkote 622
85 Guchaguda Umarkote 603
86 Bidiriguda Umarkote 564
87 Baiparibhata Umarkote 563
88 Deogan Umarkote 465
89 Batiguda Umarkote 424
90 Darpaguda Umarkote 409
91 Karlibeda Umarkote 392
92 Karlipadar Umarkote 385
93 Amlabhata Umarkote 384
94 Gulibadana Umarkote 377
95 Dangriguda Umarkote 354
96 Budrapara Umarkote 340
97 Khatiguda Umarkote 340
98 Pandrabandha Umarkote 309
99 Samarathaguda Umarkote 301
100 Jaraguda Umarkote 290
101 Potuguda Umarkote 237
102 Janiguda Umarkote 212
103 Kochiniamba Umarkote 148
104 Nirapadar Umarkote 138
105 Chorbeda Umarkote N/A
106 Janiguda Umarkote N/A
