Pali City Population Census 2011 Data- RAJASTHAN

Pali (M Cl) town is situated in district PALI, RAJASTHAN. The Pali town has population of 230075, male population is 119924 and female population is 110151 as per the Census 2011 data. Population of Children under the age of 0-6 is 31507, male child population under the age of six is 16721 and female child population under the age of six is 14786. Total literacy rate of Pali city is 77.49%, male literacy rate is 87.98% and female literacy rate is 66.14%. In Pali Female Sex Ratio is 919 per 1000 male persons. Child sex ratio is 884 per 1000 male child under the age of six. Total number of house hold in Pali is 43810.

Census Data of Pali District PALI, State RAJASTHAN- India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
230075 159 1447 919 77.49%

Population of Pali, District PALI in state RAJASTHAN, India

Total Population Male Population Female Population
230075 119924 110151

Pali Town Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
Town NamePali
Civic TypeM Cl
Teshil NamePALI
District NamePALI
Total Population230075
Total Area159 (Ha)
Total No of House Holds43810
Total Male Population119924
Total Female Population110151
0-6 Age group Total Population31507
0-6 Age group Male Population16721
0-6 Age group Male Population14786
Total Person Literates153880
Total Male Literates90803
Total Male Literates63077
Total Person Illiterates76195
Total Male Illiterates29121
Total Male Illiterates47074
Scheduled Cast Persons34955
Scheduled Cast Males18164
Scheduled Cast Females16791
Scheduled Tribe Persons1898
Scheduled Tribe Males2081
Scheduled Tribe Females1898

Pali town of PALI district has civic type is M Cl. Teshil name of Pali is PALI. District name of Pali town/city is PALI (RAJASTHAN). Data Reference year is 2009 of Census 2011. Sub District HQ name of Pali is Pali and Sub District HQ Distance is 0 Km from Pali. District Head Quarter name is Pali and it’s distance from the town is 0KM. As per census 2011 town code of Pali is 800561.

Pali Town/City Data ---Census 2011

Description Data
Town NamePali
CD Block Name0
Teshil NamePali
Reference Year2009
Sub District HQ NamePali
Sub District HQ Distance0 Km
District HQ NamePALI
District HQ Distance0 Km
Nearest City of 1 Lakh PopulationJodhpur
Nearest City of 1 Lakh Population Distance72 Km
Nearest City of 5 Lakh PopulationJodhpur
Nearest City of 5 Lakh Population Distance72 Km

Workers profile of Pali

Total working population of Pali is 73519 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in the town/city are 73519 out of which 63130 are male and 10389 are female. Total main workers are 68314 out of which male main workers are 60442 and female main workers are 7872. Total marginal workers of Pali are 5205.

Pali town Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 73519 63130 10389
Main Workers 68314 60442 7872
Main Workers Cultivators 1292 959 333
Agriculture Labourer 1529 1223 306
Household Industries 3380 2708 672
Other Workers 62113 55552 6561
Marginal Workers 5205 2688 2517
Non Working Persons 156556 56794 99762

Pali Manufacturers and Agricultural Commodities Data

Description Type Commodities
Agricultural Commodities (First)N/A
Manufacturers Commodities (First)N/A

Religon wise cesnus 2011 Data of Pali (M Cl)

Religion Total Population Male Population Female Population Popultation % Literacy
Hindu 173903 91120 82783 75.59% 59.14%
Muslim 43225 22178 21047 18.79% 12.74%
Christian 419 218 201 0.18% 0.17%
Sikh 993 496 497 0.43% 0.36%
Buddhist 52 29 23 0.02% 0.02%
Jain 11354 5817 5537 4.93% 5.03%
Other religions and persuasions 4 2 2 0% 0%
Religion not stated 125 64 61 0.05% 0.04%

Pali MAP Location

Pali with Census 2011 of India Town/City code 800561 is located in District PALI, RAJASTHAN, India. Pali Town/City location on google Map Show On Google Map

Pali Town/City area on Google Map - Show On Google Map

Census 2011 Abbreviations:

M.-Municipality; M.C.-Municial Committee; M.C.I-Muncipal Council; M.Corp.-Muncipal Corporation/Corporation; N.A -Notified Area; N.A.C.-Notified Area Committee/Notified Area Council; N.P.- Nagar Panchayat/Nagar Parishad; N.P.P.-Nagar Palika Parishad; N.T- Notified Town; N.T.A- Notified Town Area; S.T.C.- Small Town Committee; T.C.-Town Committee; T.A.C.- Town Area Committee; T.M.C.- Town Municipal Council; T.P.- Town Panchayat; T.S.- Township; C.T. -Census Town.
