Map of Danpura Village in Jahazpur, District- Bhilwara RAJASTHAN- India

Danpura village is situated in Teshil Jahazpur, District Bhilwara and in State of RAJASTHAN India. Village has population of 379 as per census data of 2011, in which male population is 206 and female population is 173. Total geographical area of Danpura village is 130.94 Hectares. Population density of Danpura is 3 persons per Hectares. Total number of house hold in village is 69.

Census Data of Village Danpura, Teshil Jahazpur, District Bhilwara, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
379 130.94 3 840 60.43%

Gram Panchayat name of the Danpura village is N/A. CD Block name is Jahazpur and Teshil/Taluk or sub-district is Jahazpur. Data Reference year is 2009 of Census 2011. Sub District HQ Name is JAHAZPUR and Sub District HQ Distance is 15 Km from the village. District Head Quarter name is BHILWARA and it’s distance from the village is 95KM. Nearest Town of the Danpura village is JAHAZPUR and nearest town distance is 15 km. Pincode of Danpura village is 311203. As per census 2011 village code of village Danpura is 96018.

Demographics Population of Village Danpura, Teshil Jahazpur, District Bhilwara

Total Population Male Population Female Population
379 206 173

Sex Ratio of Danpura Village -Census 2011

As per the Census Data 2011 there are 840 Femals per 1000 males out of 379 total population of village. There are 472 girls per 1000 boys under 6 years of age in the village.

Literacy of Danpura Village

Out of total poplation total 197 people in Danpura Village are literate, among them 128 are male and 69 are female in the village. Total literacy rate of of Danpura is 60.43%, for male literacy is 75.29% and for female literacy rate is 44.23%.

Danpura Village Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
Village NameDanpura
Teshil NameJahazpur
District NameBhilwara
Total Population379
Total Area131 (Hectares)
Total No of House Holds69
Total Male Population206
Total Female Population173
0-6 Age group Total Population53
0-6 Age group Male Population36
0-6 Age group Female Population17
Total Person Literates197
Total Male Literates128
Total Male Literates69
Total Person Illiterates182
Total Male Illiterates78
Total Male Illiterates104
Scheduled Cast Persons199
Scheduled Cast Males108
Scheduled Cast Females91
Scheduled Tribe Persons2
Scheduled Tribe Males2
Scheduled Tribe Females2

Workers profile of Danpura Village

Total working population of Danpura is 164 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in the village are 164 out of which 108 are male and 56 are female. Total main workers are 117 out of which female main workers are 75 and male main workers are 42. Total marginal workers of village are 47.

Danpura Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 164 108 56
Main Workers 117 75 42
Main Workers Cultivators 79 48 31
Agriculture Labourer 18 7 11
Household Industries 0 0 0
Other Workers 20 20 0
Marginal Workers 47 33 14
Non Working Persons 215 98 117

Danpura Village Data ---Census 2011

Description Data
Village NameDanpura
Gram Panchayat NameN/A
CD Block NameJahazpur
Teshil NameJahazpur
Reference Year2009
Sub District HQ NameJAHAZPUR
Sub District HQ Distance15 Km
District HQ NameBHILWARA
District HQ Distance95 Km
Nearest TownJAHAZPUR
Nearest Town Distance15 Km

Danpura Manufacturers and Agricultural Commodities Data

Description Type Commodities
Agricultural Commodities (First)MAKKI
Manufacturers Commodities (First)N/A
Agricultural Commodities (Second)WHEAT
Agricultural Commodities (Third)CHANA

Danpura Village MAP Danpura

Danpura Village with Census 2011 of India Village code 96018 is located in Teshil Jahazpur, of Bhilwara district in state of RAJASTHAN, India. Danpura Village location on google Map Show On Google Map

Danpura Village area on Google Map - Show On Google Map
