Map of Kannikapuram Village in Srirangarajapuram, District- Chittoor ANDHRA PRADESH- India

Kannikapuram village is situated in Teshil Srirangarajapuram, District Chittoor and in State of ANDHRA PRADESH India. Village has population of 717 as per census data of 2011, in which male population is 354 and female population is 363. Total geographical area of Kannikapuram village is 337 Hectares. Population density of Kannikapuram is 2 persons per Hectares. Total number of house hold in village is 172.

Census Data of Village Kannikapuram, Teshil Srirangarajapuram, District Chittoor, India --Census 2011

Population Area (Ha) Density (P/Ha) Sex Ratio Literacy
717 337 2 1025 72.35%

Gram Panchayat name of the Kannikapuram village is AMBARAMAHARAJAPURAM. CD Block name is Srirangarajapuram and Teshil/Taluk or sub-district is Srirangarajapuram. Data Reference year is 2009 of Census 2011. Sub District HQ Name is SRIRANGARAJAPURAM and Sub District HQ Distance is 4 Km from the village. District Head Quarter name is CHITTOOR and it’s distance from the village is 36KM. Nearest Town of the Kannikapuram village is CHITTOOR and nearest town distance is 36 km. Pincode of Kannikapuram village is 517167. As per census 2011 village code of village Kannikapuram is 596656.

Demographics Population of Village Kannikapuram, Teshil Srirangarajapuram, District Chittoor

Total Population Male Population Female Population
717 354 363

Sex Ratio of Kannikapuram Village -Census 2011

As per the Census Data 2011 there are 1025 Femals per 1000 males out of 717 total population of village. There are 1049 girls per 1000 boys under 6 years of age in the village.

Literacy of Kannikapuram Village

Out of total poplation total 458 people in Kannikapuram Village are literate, among them 254 are male and 204 are female in the village. Total literacy rate of of Kannikapuram is 72.35%, for male literacy is 81.15% and for female literacy rate is 63.75%.

Kannikapuram Village Census 2011 Data ---Census 2011

Description Census 2011 Data
Village NameKannikapuram
Teshil NameSrirangarajapuram
District NameChittoor
Total Population717
Total Area337 (Hectares)
Total No of House Holds172
Total Male Population354
Total Female Population363
0-6 Age group Total Population84
0-6 Age group Male Population41
0-6 Age group Female Population43
Total Person Literates458
Total Male Literates254
Total Male Literates204
Total Person Illiterates259
Total Male Illiterates100
Total Male Illiterates159
Scheduled Cast Persons246
Scheduled Cast Males125
Scheduled Cast Females121
Scheduled Tribe Persons0
Scheduled Tribe Males0
Scheduled Tribe Females0

Workers profile of Kannikapuram Village

Total working population of Kannikapuram is 234 which are either main or marginal workers. Total workers in the village are 234 out of which 193 are male and 41 are female. Total main workers are 226 out of which female main workers are 187 and male main workers are 39. Total marginal workers of village are 8.

Kannikapuram Working Population ---Census 2011

Total Male Female
Total Workers 234 193 41
Main Workers 226 187 39
Main Workers Cultivators 99 91 8
Agriculture Labourer 66 46 20
Household Industries 0 0 0
Other Workers 61 50 11
Marginal Workers 8 6 2
Non Working Persons 483 161 322

Kannikapuram Village Data ---Census 2011

Description Data
Village NameKannikapuram
CD Block NameSrirangarajapuram
Teshil NameSrirangarajapuram
Reference Year2009
Sub District HQ Distance4 Km
District HQ NameCHITTOOR
District HQ Distance36 Km
Nearest TownCHITTOOR
Nearest Town Distance36 Km

Kannikapuram Manufacturers and Agricultural Commodities Data

Description Type Commodities
Agricultural Commodities (First)SUGAR CANE
Manufacturers Commodities (First)JAGGERY
Agricultural Commodities (Second)GROUND NUT

Kannikapuram Village MAP Kannikapuram

Kannikapuram Village with Census 2011 of India Village code 596656 is located in Teshil Srirangarajapuram, of Chittoor district in state of ANDHRA PRADESH, India. Kannikapuram Village location on google Map Show On Google Map

Kannikapuram Village area on Google Map - Show On Google Map
