STD Code of , STD Code – 0

STD Code Finder- Search all India STD Codes, Subscriber Trunk Dialing Code or Telephone Access Code of any city town in India, State wise STD code search

Find STD code details in India

To find STD code of any city in India, First select State followed by city from drop-down select box as given above. Details of STD code includes state and city/town location. The results of tracked STD Code includes the details city locatiion on google map in India.

In India STD code stands for Subscriber Trunk Dialing. STD Codes are assigned in to Indian cities and Town. Metro cities has 2 digit STD codes in India and other cities in India have 3 or more digits STD Codes. STD codes are are used by all operator for providing Landline Phone services in India.

India STD code listing State wise
